Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Assassin's Creed: Revelations is a stealth action game with a third-person view in a historical setting. In this part of the series about the adventures of Ezio... Read more
Saving [Steam License]
assassins-creed-revelations-sokhranenie_1722095576_350980.rarDownload 83 байтArchive password: vgtimes
Features of saving
- Completed the main game;
- Core memories unlocked;
- Much money;
- Many things were bought from sellers;
- All viewpoints are synchronized;
- Completed Piri Reis missions;
- Book assignments completed;
- The faction headquarters missions have been completed;
- All the Templar towers were burned;
- All attractions have been purchased;
- All tailor shops have been purchased;
- All blacksmith shops have been purchased;
- All bank shops have been purchased;
- All the pharmacist's shops have been purchased;
- All bookstores have been purchased;
- All buildings for the faction have been purchased;
- Collectibles, assassin missions, and faction missions remain.
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Сохранение [Лицензия Steam]
Особенности сохранения
- Пройдена основная игра;
- Разблокированы основные воспоминания;
- Много денег;
- Много вещей куплено у продавцов;
- Все точки обзора синхронизированы;
- Пройдены задания Пири Рейса;
- Задания по книгам пройдены;
- Задания штаба фракции пройдены;
- Все башни тамплиеров сожжены;
- Все достопримечательности куплены;
- Все портные лавки куплены;
- Все лавки кузнеца куплены;
- Все лавки банков куплены;
- Все лавки аптекаря куплены;
- Все книжные лавки куплены;
- Все здания для фракции куплены;
- Остались коллекционные предметы, задания ассасинов и задания фракции.
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