Trainer (+14) [1.0.7 - Build 170910: 64 Bit] [MrAntiFun]

  • Banished — Trainer (+14) [1.0.7 - Build 170910: 64 Bit] [MrAntiFun]
Author: MrAntiFun
Size: 823.79 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: October 26, 2018, 12:00 AM
Downloads: 2625

Trainer functions:

1. Infinite Health / Immortality;

2. Infinite Happiness / Infinite Happiness;

3. Age Always 20 / Age Always 20;

4. No Hunger / Without Hunger;

5. Infinite Food / Endless Food;

6. Infinite Resources / Infinite Resources;

7. Fast Building Fast / Construction;

8. Infinite Houses Food / Infinite Farms;

9. Infinite Houses Firewood / Infinite Sawmills;

10. Infinite Shop Resources / Infinite Resources in Stores;

11. Infinite Trading Post Resources / Infinite Resources in Factories;

12. Good Weather / Good Weather;

13. Set Game Speed ​​/ Set Game Speed;

14. Free Trading at Trade Post / Free Trade in Factories.

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Трейнер / Trainer (+14) [1.0.7 - Build 170910: 64 Bit] [MrAntiFun]

Функции трейнера:

1. Infinite Health / Бессмертие;

2. Infinite Happiness / Бесконечное Счастье;

3. Age Always 20 / Возраст Всегда 20;

4. No Hunger / Без Голода;

5. Infinite Food / Бесконечная Еда;

6. Infinite Resourses / Бесконечные Ресурсы;

7. Fast Building Быстрое / Строительство;

8. Infinite Houses Food / Бесконечные Фермы;

9. Infinite Houses Firewood / Бесконечные Лесопилки;

10. Infinite Shop Resourses / Бесконечные Ресурсы в Магазинах;

11. Infinite Trading Post Resourses / Бесконечные Ресурсы в Факториях;

12. Good Weather / Хорошая Погода;

13. Set Game Speed / Установить Скорость Игры;

14. Free Trading at Trade Post / Свободная Торговля в Факториях.

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