is a realistic car racing simulator with an advanced collision physics model for cars. Players can drive along any of the available racing tracks and... Read more
Toyota Kaldina (T210) v1.0 (0.34.s)
toyota-caldina-t210-v1-0-0-34-x_1736885173_968222.zipDownload 170.18 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Features of the mod:
- Well-configured Jbeam;
- Working opening elements;
- Smooth ignition of headlights and baked textures;
- Salon created from scratch;
- A large number of tuning options;
- Unique configurations;
- Additional functions in the cabin;
- Nice physics of driving a car.
- In some places there are problems with textures and the model.
- Download the archive with the mod, move to the path: C:\Users\UserNAME\Documents\\mods.
The file name and description have been translated Show original
(RU)Show translation
Toyota Caldina (T210) v1.0 (0.34.x)
Особенности мода:
- Грамотно настроенный Jbeam;
- Рабочие открывающиеся элементы;
- Плавный розжиг фар и запеченные текстуры;
- Салон, созданный с нуля;
- Большое количество тюнинговых опций;
- Уникальные конфигурации;
- Дополнительные функции в салоне;
- Приятная физика управления автомобилем.
- Местами есть проблемы с текстурами и моделью.
- Скачать архив с модом, переместить по пути: C:\Users\UserNAME\Documents\\mods.
Useful links: