is a realistic car racing simulator with an advanced collision physics model for cars. Players can drive along any of the available racing tracks and... Read more
MTL Fire Truck v1.2 (0.34.x)
mtl-fire-truck-v1-2-0-34-x_1739564679_240035.zipDownload 62.22 MBArchive password: vgtimes
- Two lore-friendly liveries for Firewood (East Coast) and Belasco (West Coast);
- One engine based on the 8.5L Detroit Diesel 50;
- Four turbines allowing power variation from 320 to 680 hp;
- Five different automatic transmissions (all using the TC-413 torque converter);
- Variants: Allison 2300, 3000, and 4700, plus VoithD824 and ZF Ecomat6HP590;
- Ladder, pipes, seven emergency lights on the roof, and HVAC unit are removable separately;
- UV map included for custom skins;
- A weight adjustment slider for the water tank in the tuning menu (default ~300 kg).
Added in version 1.2:
- Reverse warning sound;
- 69-inch MX7000 version in red-blue, red, blue, and amber;
- Removed front three light panels for this version;
- Red and blue front flashers;
- Additional rear combined equipment;
- New engine using the T-series sound;
- 6-speed manual transmission.
- Download the mod archive and move it to: C:\\Users\\UserNAME\\Documents\\\\mods.
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