Beyond Hanwell
The player explores Westminster in ruined London to find the ruins of Hanwell. The locations are filled with history and secrets that need to be revealed. You'll... Read more
Text Russifier
v1rusifikator-teksta_1726565090_158116.rarArchive password: vgtimes
v3rusifikator-teksta_1727949168_856316.rarArchive password: vgtimes
Size: 11.06 MB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: September 17, 2024, 12:24 PM
Updated: October 3, 2024, 12:52 PM
Downloads: 598
Game version and translation date: v1.0 (01.10.2024).
Version: v3.
All the text that we managed to get, as well as the textures of the drawings, have been translated.
How to run:
- unpack to this path D:/Games/Beyond Hanwell/BeyondHanwell/Content/Paks.
The file name and description have been translated Show original
(RU)Show translation
Русификатор текста
Версия игры и дата перевода: v1.0 (01.10.2024).
Версия: v3.
Переведен весь текст, который удалось достать, и текстуры чертежей.
Как запустить:
- распаковать по этому пути D:/Games/Beyond Hanwell/BeyondHanwell/Content/Paks.
Useful links: