Blade and Sorcery is an exciting action game with a first-person view in a fantasy setting for virtual reality devices HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Valve... Read more
Witchcraft and Wizardry(U10). This is a complete Harry Potter conversion mod. With it, you can cast spells from the Elder Wand and fight 15 NPCs from the Harry Potter universe! Spells: - Avada Kedavra = Insane damage (almost always instant kill) - ...
Lumiere (Light) (U11.2). This is a mod that allows you to create lights and place them anywhere to either light your way or take screenshots in dark places. Can create dark lights and you can even stick lights to weapons and other items. Control: ...
Frozone Freeze Ice Spell(U10). Freeze your enemies like Freon from The Incredibles! Wide range of customization options! Installation: To install, go to the folder D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Blade & Sorcery/BladeAndSorcery_Data/StreamingAssets/Mods ...
Intangibility Spell(U10). Allow enemy attacks to pass through you as long as you hold the trigger. To install, go to D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Blade & Sorcery/BladeAndSorcery_Data/StreamingAssets/Mods. Then simply drag and drop the newly imported fol ...
Portal Spell (U10). Simply set up a portal and get rid of enemies without killing them yourself! How to use: - Using a spell, you create a portal. If the portal is already active, it is deleted instead. - Imbue a weapon with this spell and hit an ...
Quick Heal Spell U10. Using this spell will give you maximum mana if you have more than 50% mana, and if your mana is less than 50% then you will get 50% mana. And your health is set to maximum. If you press grab while casting a spell, you will becom ...
Healing Spell (U10). A healing spell allows the player to ditch those crazy healing potions in favor of a more magical, mana-based alternative. With the help of a healing spell, you can patch up the slits on your thigh for daggers and other weapons t ...
Bend Time (U10). Select a spell and press the trigger to freeze/unfreeze time. Items and enemies can be grabbed while time is stopped and enemies won't try to attack or anything.
ItemSpawnSpell. This mod allows you to use a spell that will create a weapon in your hands. To change the item you create in hand you need to change the "itemId": "DaggerCommon". Replace "DaggerCommon" with the weapon ID.
Spider U10 (Mana-webs). Using sticky webs to tether people and objects together, or to freely climb walls. You can customize the spell in the game through the book menu. The spell looks like a spider icon. You can also enable climbing and clear all c ...