Save / SaveGame (Exton, OP8)

  • Borderlands 2 — Save / SaveGame (Exton, OP8)
  • 1541280250_axxxton_perfect_gear_by_flamaster07.rar
    Archive password: vgtimes
    Download 81.13 kB
Author: Flamaster07
Size: 81.13 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: November 4, 2018, 12:24 AM
Downloads: 1151

Exton with lvl 72 and op8, completed the main story, not all the extras. The tasks have been completed, not all DLCs have been completed.

There are weapons in the bank. Ultimate Build, the best guns for Exton.

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Сохранение / SaveGame (Экстон, ОП8)

Экстон с 72 лвл и оп8, пройден основной сюжет, не все доп. задания пройдены, DLC не все пройдены.

В банке есть оружие. Ultimate Build, лучшие пушки для Экстона.

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