Trainer (+5) [EP 1 - Early Access / UPD: 06/15/2019]

  • Bright Memory — Trainer (+5) [EP 1 - Early Access / UPD: 06/15/2019]
  • 1560689411_bright_memory_episode_1_early_access_plus_5_trainer_updated_2019.rar
    Archive password: vgtimes
    Download 627.36 kB
Author: FLiNG
Size: 627.36 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: June 16, 2019, 03:49 PM
Downloads: 318

Hotkeys and trainer capabilities:

  • Numpad 1: Immortality
  • Numpad 2: Infinite. Ammo
  • Numpad 3: No Cooldown
  • Numpad 4: Super Speed ​​
  • Numpad 5: Slow Time
  • Home: Cancel All:
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Трейнер (+5) [EP 1 - Early Access / UPD: 15.06.2019]

Горячие клавиши и возможности трейнера:

  • Numpad 1: Бессмертие
  • Numpad 2: Беск. Патроны
  • Numpad 3: Без Перезарядки
  • Numpad 4: Супер Скорость
  • Numpad 5: Замедлить Время
  • Home: Отменить Всё:

Useful links:

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