Games Brutal Legend All reviews Review from DedBorodoed

A game for fans of heavy music, slam and headbanging - for me.

I saw the game on Steam, two weeks after its release. I was very afraid that all the “rockers” would be shown as stupid louts and hysterical bitches. And the game did it... But it did it with love.

It feels like the entire plot of the game comes from the epic songs of Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. A simple story about a war destroying everything in its path with an ax at the ready. Yes, this is a game! Somewhere stupid and simple, but breathtakingly atmospheric! There's nothing better than driving an awesome muscle car through the desert while Lammy from Motorhead howls. It was great to see familiar faces like Ozzy.

For me, this game is not really about the story. I didn't care about graphics or anything like that. It’s just a pleasure to be in this game, it’s your paradise island where everyone understands you. And I'm really looking forward to the second part of the game.

9 / 10
8 / 10
10 / 10
9 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
8 / 10
9 / 10
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