Files for Call of Duty / Savegames

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Saving / SaveGame (Step-by-step passage)

Saving / SaveGame (Step-by-step passage)
Size: 16.14 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: June 10, 2019
Downloads: 370
Comments: 0
Download Completely completed the game on Beginner difficulty. There are step-by-step saves at each level. One quick save before reinforcements arrive at the Kharkov station.

Saving / SaveGame (Step-by-step passage)

Saving / SaveGame (Step-by-step passage)
Size: 11.21 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: June 6, 2019
Downloads: 275
Comments: 0
Download Completely completed the game on Beginner difficulty. There are step-by-step saves at each level. One quick save before the storming of the Reichstag.