Cities: Skylines 2
A continuation of the city-planning simulator, in which all the mechanics were expanded, support for modifications was improved, graphics were upgraded and... Read more
New Columbia

A handcrafted map of Vancouver inspired by GTA-inspired recreations of popular regions.

This map is a blurry image of Paris, the capital of France and part of its Ile-de-France region. There is a ring road and main railway lines. How to run: unpack to this path Users/AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/Maps/.
Realistic content of schools

the capacity and maintenance of the primary school and additional wing are doubled; the capacity and contents of the college's additional wing are doubled; the capacity and maintenance of a regular university are increased by 25%.
Realistic population density

increasing the number of employees in commercial, industrial and office areas; increasing the number of employees for service buildings such as schools, hospitals, clinics, power plants, police and fire stations, freight train terminals and port ...
Mountain Valley 2

2 more rivers for greater separation; the small island is larger than in the original version, so you can build your city center, airport or anything else there; the author removed the highway and built it a little further from the center and ...
New Zealand

A realistic adaptation of Wanaka, New Zealand with authentic road networks, rivers and a real elevation map of the region. Built from the ground up, this map features some of New Zealand's best geographic features. How to run: unpack to this pat ...
Map Tun Bilenda

Based on the Barrier Island map, heavily modified, ideal for building a huge city. huge areas for building, areas of flat land, but not quite flat; the entire map is either fertile land, or ore or oil deposits; large forests, but not too m ...
Caldera Springs

Completely new map based on the official map of Lakeland. All communications are available at the starting location - highway, railway, electricity and water/sewage. How to run: unpack to this path AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skyline ...
Coast of Cali

based on map of San Francisco using barrier island climate; Many new bays and cliffs have been added to the coastline to create more interesting places to build; more resources added to large individual areas rather than scattered in small poc ...

This is a completely new map based on Windifjords. How to run: unpack to this path AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/.
Honolulu (Hawaii)

Honolulu (Hawaii) style map (with artistic license); road connections; road, air and water communications; coverage of all resources.
San Francisco

San Francisco style map (with artistic license); road connections; road, air and water communications; coverage of all resources.

This mod contains map data to create the island of Manhattan and a few other areas of New York. The author has also provided an image of the map and when using the MapImageLayer mod you can see where roads and highways should be located if you want ...
Norfolk, Virginia

The cultural center of Virginia's Hampton Roads region of 1.8 million people, it boasts a number of tidal estuaries and natural harbors that have made it an integral part of the development and defense of the east coast of the United States since co ...

Map in the style of an extinct volcano on the island. Road, air and water communications. Coverage of all resources. How to run: unpack to this path /AppData/LocalLow/Colossal Order/Cities Skylines II/Maps/.