Games Cyberpunk 2077 Files Savegames Saving (Start of the game - a lot of money and points)

Saving (Start of the game - a lot of money and points)

  • Author: alex_8698
    Size: 1.29 MB
    Uploaded by: xam_xam
    Date: March 8, 2022, 11:54 AM
    Downloads: 2189



    Level 50

    25 reputation

    Lots of stat points (99946)

    Lots of ability points (99632)

    Lots of money

    The character is fully upgraded

    Installation: move with replacement to the address, C:/Users/username/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/Cyberpunk 2077

    The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
    Сохранение (Начало игры - много денег и очков)



    50 уровень

    25 репутация

    Много очков характеристик (99946)

    Много очков способностей (99632)

    Много денег

    Персонаж полностью прокачан

    Установка: переместить с заменой по адресу, C:/Users/имя пользователя/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/Cyberpunk 2077

    Useful links:

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