DC League of Super-Pets: The Adventures of Krypto and Ace
DC League of Super-Pets: The Adventures of Krypto and Ace is an arcade action-adventure game with a third-person view, based on the DC animated film “Super-Pets... Read more
Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 09/14/2022]
![Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 09/14/2022]](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2022-09/thumbs/1663245134_dd-2.webp)
Achievement Unlocker - Achievement unlocker Activation on the episode selection screen. Startup process: 1. Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table 2. "Select a process to open", select the desired process. 3. Select the desired option and che ...
Saving - 100% completion

The game is completed 100%. All levels are open 15pcs. The skill tree has been fully upgraded, all levels have been completed to A rating. Installation: C:/Users/WEST/AppData/LocalLow/Outright Games Ltd/DC League of Super Pets/saves with file replac ...
Table for Cheat Engine [Build.9105671]
![Table for Cheat Engine [Build.9105671]](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2022-07/thumbs/1658215376_2x1_nswitch_dcleagueofsuperpetstheadventuresofkryptoandace_engb_image1600w.webp)
All Powers & Ability Instant Refill - Instantly replenish all powers and abilities Score — Edit score Player - Edit character characteristics Startup process: Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table "Select a process to open", select the desire ...
Trainer (+5) [1.0]
![Trainer (+5) [1.0]](https://files.vgtimes.com/download/posts/2022-07/thumbs/1658215376_2022-07-19_102154.webp)
Author: Abolfazl.k Edition: Steam Game Version: Latest Trainer Language: English Number of Functions: 5 Trainer Creation Date: 07/16/2022 Functions: Numpad 1: Infinite Health/Max Health/Infinite Gold/Infinite Hits Count/Instant Kill