Save / SaveGame (Completely completed, full upgrade) [1.2]

  • Dead Cells — Save / SaveGame (Completely completed, full upgrade) [1.2]
Author: Тимофей Львов
Size: 27.36 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: May 14, 2019, 02:32 AM
Downloads: 1909

Many costumes and weapons have been unlocked, all runes have been unlocked, and the game has been completed completely.

In Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\your account number\588650\remote

Pirate: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\588650\remote

Replace your save with this one and you're done.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение / SaveGame (Пройдено полностью, полная прокачка) [1.2]

Открыто множество костюмов и оружия, все руны, игра пройдена полностью.

В стиме: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\номер вашего аккаунта\588650\remote

Пиратка: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\588650\remote

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