Dishonored 2
Dishonored 2 is an action-adventure game with a first-person view and stealth elements. The game continues the story of the original Dishonored, the main character... Read more
Disabling the introductory screen

Intro Video Skip. This mod is designed to allow you to skip the introductory video, which is impossible to skip in the original game. The mod is very suitable for owners of not very powerful systems, for whom loading this video and the game menu take ...
Skip intro

After four years, the stealth action game Dishonored 2 has finally released a full-fledged introductory cutscene skip at launch. Unlike similar modifications, this mod primarily saves game startup time by replacing a truly optimized file, instead of ...
Darker atmosphere

Grimtastic. This mod creates a new dark atmosphere and makes this game more realistic and brutal. Dishonored is a dark, violent game with colorful graphics. That's why I decided to make these graphics darker. I reduced the vibration and saturation a ...
Graphic mod by MG19Kelly

Good day everyone, I have remade my old preset for Dishonored 2. Let's get down to business. Installation: After downloading my file, transfer it to the folder with the game, if it is a license (for example, Disk D/Steam/steamapps/common/Dishonored ...
Turning HUD on and off
The mod allows you to turn on and off the interface and dimming when crouching. The interface is disabled on TAB, and dimmed on H. Please note that when the interface is turned off, loading screens and menus disappear!
Removing blackout while squatting
The mod removes the blackout while crouched. This function is also available in other mods, so such mods are incompatible with this one. Made for those who want only this effect, without everything else.