Dying Light
Adventure action game in the open world Dying Light allows you to fully immerse yourself in the world of the zombie apocalypse. You can expect upgrades, RPG... Read more
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [1.12.2]
1499202504_1499202504_save_coop_0.zipDownload 19.62 kBArchive password: vgtimes
Save for pirate version 1.12.2
Completed the story 100%
(a lot of money, gold weapon)
DLC Harran is only 1% completed (the very beginning. I reached the village)
Throw save along the Path - Computer - Documents - DyingLight - out - save
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Сохранение / SaveGame (Игра пройдена на 100%) [1.12.2]
Сохранение для пиратки версии 1.12.2
Пройден сюжет на 100%
(много денег, голд оружие)
Длц Харран пройдено лишь на 1% ( самое начало. Добежал до деревни)
Сейв кидать по Пути — Компьютер — Документы — DyingLight — out — save
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