Adventure action game in the open world Dying Light allows you to fully immerse yourself in the world of the zombie apocalypse. You can expect... Read more
This save is intended for those who want to enjoy the game Dying Light without wasting time on farming, or for those who prefer to play with friends. In the save you will find a fully upgraded skill tree - from “Survival” to “Legend”. You will be a ...
In this save, a mission called Brothers and Sisters was started. This is a save for those who wish to replay this mission. Installation: Installation path for the pirated version of the game C:/Users/Username/Documents/DyingLight/out/save If there ...
I recommend reading: Before you complain about missing any items, check if you have all the DLC because I have all the DLC in my save!!! In saving per person, I do not recommend making money and Hellraid coins even more, since after the maxi ...
All notes, audio recordings, figurines and all other prefabricated items have been collected. All drawings are open, including the developers' weapons. The main game has been completed twice, including in New Game+ mode. DLC completed for the "Kill t ...
I made a cheat save. 445 legend Warning: it happened to me that after using mods, in a nightmare when using a first aid kit, your HP will decrease. Almost all costumes are available.
I recommend reading: 1).Before you complain about missing any items, check if you have all the DLC because I have all the DLC in my save!!! 2).In saving per person, I do not recommend making money and Hellraid coins even more, because after the max ...
I present to your attention a modified hunter - he has a machete that one-shots people. To get a machete: while standing on the ground, hold TAB (nothing will appear), then, without releasing TAB, drag the mouse to the right and release TAB. Wow, y ...
I present to your attention a modified hunter - he has a machete that one-shots people. To get a machete: while standing on the ground, hold TAB (nothing will appear), then, without releasing TAB, drag the mouse to the right and release TAB. Wow, y ...
In this save there are 2 saves for the night hunter and 1 for the crane in which there are two endless cats with freezing and a lot of golden weapons that kill with one hit and the cat, when it hits an enemy, kills them on the spot (there are no reve ...
I recommend reading: 1).Before you complain about missing any items, check if you have all the DLC because I have all the DLC in my save!!! 2).In saving per person, I do not recommend making money even more, because after the maximum number in this ...
Installation path: Steam\userdata\(each has a different number)\239140\remote\out\save Added: Ominous Scepter, Pair of Infinite Cats and Inventory Items.
The author's game character, and over time he will add different things. Steam installation path\userdata\(each has a different number)\239140\remote\out\save