Adventure action game in the open world Dying Light allows you to fully immerse yourself in the world of the zombie apocalypse. You can expect... Read more
Current save task: "Brothers and Sisters." Weapons: Fancy Ottoman Sickle (Incendiary), Fine Army Spatula (Incendiary), Fancy Demolition Sledgehammer (Electrics), Fine Demolition Sledge (Electrics), 100x Molotov, Fine Fire Ax (Electrics), Terrible Ba ...
The game was completed on the “legend” level 31, the skills were upgraded, almost all the drawings in the game except for units such as “Empress” and “Desert Crossbow”, a lot of all kinds of resources, also almost all the costumes by level except a c ...
The main plot has been completed, all skills have been upgraded, Bozak's tests have been completed. The following: the buggy is pumped up, all the parts are level 6, there are colors (Not all probably), there are accessories. Completed a large numb ...
For a very long time I was looking for Content Drop#6 separately or a drawing for Subsonic Cartridges. So, I decided to share, maybe someone will need it. Company completed 100%, The Following 80% Subsonic Ammo Blueprint, Korek Machete Blueprint, K ...
In this save you will find an endless crossbow, a shotgun, a cat, and storage (a bag on the floor) with just a wide variety of items, etc... And now the sweetest part...... dmg of this whole brainchild from 42k firearms and 84k for a bow and crossbow ...
Mission: Arsonist. Plot: 15%. Legend level: 250. All skills are upgraded, there are a lot of cool, upgraded weapons. With the drawings there is only an "incendiary" hatchet (I just forgot what it's called :D). 2000+ damage. Warning: I have a bug in t ...
Save for Dying Light the Following. I downloaded a lot of saves, and noticed that most of them were filled with all sorts of garbage. This is a save for co-op after the prologue. In this save, approximately 2% of the plot has been completed, skills ...
This is the first time I’m posting something here, don’t judge strictly, this is a save from the very beginning of the game “Air Cargo”, the character is fully upgraded to level 250 legend, the kit includes a golden cat and just a good weapon, in gen ...
drop the folder (save) into Steam\userdata\[user id]\239140\storage\out\save if it requires moving with replacement, we move with replacement the save includes a fully upgraded Crane 250lvl legends story completed 100% There are military items in ...