Dying Light
Adventure action game in the open world Dying Light allows you to fully immerse yourself in the world of the zombie apocalypse. You can expect upgrades, RPG... Read more
Increased maximum ammo

Higher Max Ammo (1.46.0). Increases the maximum amount of ammo you can carry. Increases maximum capacity to 999 for Assault Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, and Subsonic Ammo. Arrows and bolts will only show a maximum of 99, but you can carry and craft up to ...
Disabling hacking

Anti Lock. Removes lock picking on chests/cars, door picking is always successful. The mod removes lockpicking from any containers, doors need to be opened, but you always succeed. No problem with Bozak's pack. Installation: - Go to the game fold ...
Improved grappling hook

Simply Better Grapple. Increases grapple range without causing mishandling, and reduces reload time to allow for faster movement. In the current version of this mod, the grappling hook can be used once before reloading, rather than twice as in the or ...
All skills unlocked

All Skill unlocked in one seconds. Want to get all the skills after killing one zombie and climbing one building? You are in the right place. To install, unzip and place data3.pak in dielight/DW.
New beautiful shade

New Pretty Shade. Realistic and clear reshade. Get rid of that overpainted mess and enjoy crystal clear gfx.
Fewer bombers

Less Bombers (And Virals) In The Following. Significantly reduces the number of bombers in The Following expansion. If you are annoyed by the constant spam of bombers and the viruses that appear from their explosions, this mod is for you. Installati ...
Night Runner Mode

Night Runner Mode. Have you ever wanted to come back to Dying Light with a fresh perspective, as if you just bought the game, and end up making the game more challenging with lots of things to learn? This mod aims to do just that. Features: - ALL we ...
Depressed Reshade

RE Dying Light Sorrow reshade. Just a depressing reshade. Installation: 1. Install the reshade in Dying Light using. 2. Drag the mod files to the game folder. 3. Use home to configure the reshade. 4. In Settings, select the switch to turn on/off ...
PS4 Dualshock buttons

PS4 Dualshock Buttons. This mod changes the XBOX controller buttons to PS4 Dualshock buttons. Installation: - Go to Steam/steamapps/common/Dying Light/DW and make a COPY of Data3.pak. Then: - Open the existing Data3.pak containing your other mods ...
Infinite Durability

Infinite Durability. This mod will make it so that all your weapons will no longer break and you will be able to endlessly shred enemies with one favorite weapon. To install: open the Dying Light folder, then go to DW, drag Data0.pak into Winrar or 7 ...
Improved graphics

Dying light 2013 Mod (COMPLETE). The goal of this mod is to make the graphics in the game the same as they were shown at E3 in 2013. When the game was released, many of the settings were simplified, which made it look less realistic. Features: - N ...
Enhance Graphics with Reshade

Good day to all! Without any explanation, let's move straight to the installation. Installation: The archive contains two files, the first is the preset itself, and the second is the Reshade program. My preset is in the folder with the game (the di ...
All Harran Prison loot chests unlocked

All Harran Prison Loot Chests Unlocked. This little mod simply eliminates the need to break open the chests in the last room of the heist.
Improved HUD for wide screens

ULTRAWIDE SCREEN 21-9 heads-up display. This mod is made for widescreen displays (21:9). Removes screen clutter for a better viewing experience. Moves the task list to the side. The quest list is on the right edge of the screen, with low opacity.
Enlarged backpack

Expanded backpack and Increased ammo count. This mod increases your backpack to 30 slots and increases the ammo limit for all weapon types to 1500. Installation: - Move/Extract Data3.pak to your DW folder. - This folder is located in Steam/steamap ...