Games Elden Ring Files Weapons and grenades Albinauric onion

Albinauric onion

Author: Kyim
Size: 2.10 MB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: March 12, 2022, 09:57 AM
Downloads: 652

Black Bow to Albinauric Bow.

Replaces the Black Bow model with the Albinauric Bow. You will need to unzip and install the latest version of Yabber to play. This will allow external assets to be loaded.


Make a backup copy of the original in

C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ELDEN RING/Game/parts.

After that, unpack the RAR archive into the games directory:

C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ELDEN RING/Game.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Альбинаурический лук

Black Bow to Albinauric Bow.

Заменяет модель Черного лука на Альбинаурический лук. Вам нужно будет распаковать и установить последнюю версию Yabber для игры. Это позволит загружать внешние активы.


Сделайте резервную копию оригинала в

C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ELDEN RING/Game/parts.

После этого распакуйте архив RAR в каталог с играми:

C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/ELDEN RING/Game.

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