Elden Ring

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Elden Ring - what kind of game is it, trailer, system requirements, reviews and ratings, prices and discounts, guides and walkthrough, similar games

An adventurous soulsborne action game set in a dark fantasy world by the creators of the Dark Souls series, featuring the author of "Game of Thrones." The focus is... Read more

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An adventurous soulsborne action game set in a dark fantasy world by the creators of the Dark Souls series, featuring the author of "Game of Thrones." The focus is on a dying world where only the warriors who have lost their blessing are trying to bring it back to life. Players can expect a wide variety of weapons and magic; an improved combat system that gives more control over the character; new role-playing elements compared to previous From Software games.

The Crucible of the Past

How the world of Elden Ring came to be and what it represents is a mystery. The game only introduces a small part of it, the Lands Between, a continent in the middle of the ocean. The Outer Gods—powerful incorporeal beings from the cosmos, unknowable by human logic—are fighting for their presence there.

It all began with the changing of eras when a god known as the Greater Will took an interest in the Lands Between. He drove out the patron of the ruling Dragons and began to construct a new "golden" world order based on the Elden Ring and a set of small and great Runes (commandments), as well as grew the Erdtree, which still towers today. The tree governs everything that happens and allows the souls of the dead to be reborn for a new life.

The Golden Order spread through violence (the inhabitants of the Lands Between rose up against the outsiders), absorbing new followers through the efforts of the Fingers and Readers, and was governed by Queen Marika—a complete vessel of the god's power. Over time, she manifested free will: she intervened in the Elden Ring and removed the Rune of Death, transforming into Marika the Eternal—both god and ruler of the Lands Between.

This explains the abundance of nonviable beings in the game world. Those who fell from grace were deprived of "grace"—the life substance without which they were considered cursed, and they became "extinguished."

After hundreds of years of continuous battles, having conquered or exterminated all dissenters, Marika's Golden Order was established, but the era of peace and prosperity did not last long. The queen doubted the correctness of the Path and the means to achieve it, shattered the Elden Ring into separate runes, distributed them to her descendants, and disappeared. The children quickly clashed for supreme power, plunging the Lands Between into an era of Strife.

There were no winners in the war. Each of the rune bearers suffered physically or mentally, and the united kingdom became fragmented and weak. Hundreds of years passed, decay touched all of the Lands Between. The Greater Will ceased to rely on the remaining descendants of Marika and through the grace of the Tree summoned the extinguished to reassemble the great Runes and restore the Elden Ring. Marika also returned, hoping to influence the extinguished so that one of them would change the world for the better.

Plot and Characters

The narrative of Elden Ring has taken a step forward compared to previous souls games: a well-written, albeit convoluted, plot, diverse and quite lengthy quests with NPCs, more substance in dialogues, and improved cutscene direction. All of this is supported by a rich lore hidden everywhere.

The main and side plots are so interconnected that skipping the latter can lead to missing story arcs and not learning many important details, which will affect the ending. There are a total of 6: a bad one, an alternative, and 4 variations of the main one.

All NPCs have been worked out in terms of motivation and backstory, sometimes quite deeply, but to understand them, you will have to complete each one's personal quest. The same cannot be said for the main character. The protagonist is one of the many who have returned to the Lands Between, whose backstory is not important, and whose story is written before the player's eyes.

As a result, the plot turned out to be deep, multifaceted, revealing events from different angles and offering choices. This is not typical "dark fantasy," but a profound tale where there is room for simple joys and reflections on the eternal, touching and oppressive moments, friendship and betrayal.

To understand it, you will have to read all the notes and item descriptions, listen to dialogues several times, study the environment, etc. But, as in other games by Hidetaka Miyazaki, the plot and NPCs are secondary. Elden Ring can be completed without diving into the essence.

The Lands Between and its inhabitants

The world is truly vast, comprising 6 completely different biomes, each with its own landscape and flora: sunny forest plains, foggy swamps reeking of decay, phantasmagoric mountains, and more. There are also gloomy castles, intricate dungeons, and secret locations. And beneath this world lies another, an underground one. Everything is done with stunning art design in the aesthetic of dark fantasy.

Due to its scale, the world suffers from insufficient density, with the same mobs or fauna, and some parts feel copy-pasted. However, there are many unique, meticulously crafted areas in the Lands Between where everything revolves around the player. Fast travel is possible via the horse or through Sites of Grace (bonfires), where you can replenish your strength and more.

The freedom is complete: you can go anywhere right away, do whatever you want, no markers or mandatory activities, but due to zoning by difficulty levels, exploring the world won't be easy. You need to scour every meter — the world of Elden Ring is full of secrets with valuable loot and experience. And upon finding a hub location, the hero will encounter important characters, a number of interesting quests, and new mysteries.

The world is inhabited by various and extremely dissimilar peoples: giants, living crystals, flying hawks, beastmen, representatives of alien worlds, and of course, humans. Here and there you will encounter traders, blacksmiths, travelers, and other characters.

Without pain, souls are impossible

In Elden Ring, there are 10 classes of characters, differing in 8 characteristics and a roster of suitable weapons and armor. The choice of class only affects the first hours; after that, you can develop your character in any way to suit your desired playstyle: a Samurai can turn into a Mage, and that one — into a Prophet or a Scoundrel.

Leveling up has migrated from souls games with minor changes. You can rebuild your build from scratch. A number of useful skills and spells can only be learned by training with friendly NPCs. There is no armor leveling, but weapons can be improved from various aspects. The gameplay is also influenced by the dynamic change of time of day.

Crafting is comprehensive and even excessive: Everything from arrows and swords to grenades and weapon lubricants can be crafted by oneself, not without effort in gathering the necessary resources in the open world, such as plants, animal remains, and loot from slain enemies and chests.

The combat system takes into account hero leveling, skills and characteristics, and all equipment. The influence of health, stamina, and agility parameters has been rebalanced. Checkpoints have appeared before bosses, the summoning of spirit helpers, primitive stealth, the ability to jump and run (sprint). Mechanics from previous games have migrated, such as the balance of equilibrium for enemies and bosses, Power Stance, and others.

Battles have not changed — we study enemy patterns, defend or dodge their attacks, and strike at the right moment. Bosses (story or optional) still have several phases, each with their own movesets, attacks, timings, and minions. Some bosses can only be defeated while mounted. Weapons and equipment must take into account the weaknesses of each boss. The artificial intelligence of enemies is still somewhat dull, and hit detection by the engine has been criticized even after patches.

Online play

  • Co-op — joint gameplay, clearing locations, and battling bosses together with 1-2 helpers. For each enemy, they will receive +50% health, making certain bosses easier to kill alone. Game progress is only counted for the owner of the current world.
  • Player versus player — invading other worlds (or inviting those who wish to invade), where a whole gang of other "extinguished" may be waiting, or brutal one-on-one duels in a special arena. Experience gained here is used for further character development in single-player mode.

Multiplayer is available after enabling in settings and through the activation of summoning signs.

Important features:

  • The influence of George Martin on the game's plot or lore is rightly questioned by fans.
  • The difficulty in the prologue has been lowered, allowing newcomers to get accustomed, then sharply increases to pain at the end.
  • A huge and diverse bestiary: from zombies and skeletons to chthonic monsters from Lovecraft's tales or Japanese manga. There are dragons too.
  • An advanced appearance editor: eyebrows, eyes, hairstyle, cheeks, body type, and almost everything else in appearance and body features can be changed.

Trailers, gameplay, and other videos

ELDEN RING - Gameplay Preview
Elden Ring - E3 2019 Announcement Trailer | PS4
ELDEN RING – Rise, Tarnished | Official Launch Trailer
ELDEN RING | Free Colosseum Update trailer
ELDEN RING – Taipei Game Show 2022

Store Offers and Discounts

System requirements and PC test

  • Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-8400
  • RAM: 12 GB
  • Free Space: 60 GB
  • VRAM: 3 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GTX 1060; Radeon RX 580
  • DirectX: 12
  • Keyboard, Mouse
  • Windows 10, Windows 11
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Free Space: 60 GB
  • VRAM: 8 GB
  • Video Card: GeForce GTX 1070; Radeon RX Vega 56
  • DirectX: 12
  • Keyboard, Mouse

Please note that these are estimated system requirements that may change upon the game's release on PC.

PC test

Reviews and ratings

I've never played Souls games, so I won't compare them. This game really surprised me with its world and its completeness, I thought that there would be vast voids in the locations, but at every step there is either a cave, or ruins with a chest, or an NPC hiding in the bushes, and the like. I play for two hours every day and, having played 80+ hours, I’m halfway through the game. The plot is quite difficult to understand, everything is hidden in the descriptions of the objects. The music is pleasant, although sometimes it disappears (maybe a bug, I don't know). In general, I recommend the game to everyone who likes open worlds, a little hardcore, nice graphics and an intricate, hidden plot.

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Никогда не играл в Соулс игры, поэтому сравнить их не буду. Данная игра очень удивила своим миром и его полнотой, думал что будут обширные пустоты на локациях, но на каждом шаге находится то пещера, то руины с сундуком, то нпс некий прячется в кустах и тому подобное. Каждый день играю по часа два и наиграв 80+ часов, ток на середине игры. Сюжет понять довольно таки сложно, все скрыто в описания предметов. Музыка приятна, хоть иногда и пропадает (может баг хз). В целом, игру советую всем кому нравятся открытые миры, немного хардкора, приятная графика и запутанный, спрятанный от глаз сюжет.

10 / 10
9 / 10
9.3 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
7.1 / 10
10 / 10

An excellent game for those who don’t need anything other than hardcore from the game. And everyone else will see a dummy, where there is no clear plot and lore, no interesting world, no motivation to do anything in this game, no narration or description of anything. In the game there are only a bunch of mobs and fat bosses, endless expanses of nothing and the same empty and uninspired dungeons. In terms of gameplay, it’s an endless run from one location to another in the open world, constant bounces instead of combat and death (yours). I don’t see the point in arguing about how much simpler or friendlier it is than other souls games. That's not the point. The point is the absence of a plan as such. Well, you can’t just throw miserable combat with bounces, death from 2 hits, fat bosses into the game and say that we’ve made an awesome game.

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Отличная игра для тех, кому кроме хардкора от игры ничего не нужно. А все остальные увидят пустышку, где нет внятного сюжета и лора, интересного мира, отсутствие какой-то мотивации что-то делать в этой игре, отсутствие повествования и описания чего-либо. В игре есть только куча мобов и жирных боссов, бескрайние просторы ничего и такие же пустые и безыдейны подземелья. По геймплею это бесконечная беготня от одной локации к другой по открытому миру, постоянные отскоки вместо боя и смерть(твоя) Не вижу смыла спорить о том на сколько она проще или дружелюбней других соулс игр. Не в этом дело. Дело в отсутствии замысла как такового. Ну нельзя же просто запихать в игру убогую боевку с отскоками, смерть гг от2х ударов, жирных боссов и сказать, что вот, мы сделали офигенную игру.

9 / 10
7.6 / 10
8 / 10
8.7 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
7.3 / 10
9 / 10

I've played all the souls games and after finishing this game I have good impressions about it. not the worst experience of the open world and its learning. The only thing I didn’t like was the emptiness of this world. Well, there's not enough life in it. I give it a solid 9. Personally, I liked this game and I would like to recommend it to others

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Играл во все соулс игры и после прохождения данной игры у меня о ней хорошие впечатления. не самый плохой опыт открытого мира и его и3учения . Единственное что не понравилось ето пустота етого мира. ну не хватает немного жи3ни в нем. Ставлю твердую 9ку. Лично мне ета игра понравилась и мне хочется ее по рекомендовать другим


I’m not a big fan of Souls like games, but I completed the three parts of Dark Souls with pleasure, but when I completed Elden ring for the first time, I had a feeling that Hidetaka simply ran out of imagination, many bosses are repeated, the design of the location is not very good, although I really liked a couple of polishes, I even listened to the soundtrack, it’s so boring, the plot, but what is the plot? This is souls like, if you want a plot, read the descriptions of any item. This game doesn’t need an open world at all, if it weren’t for it, I think it would be many times better


Open world

Boring bosses

Location design





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Я не большой фанат соулс лайк игр, но три части Дарк соулса Я прошел с удовольствием, но когда я в первый раз прошел Elden ring, то у меня такое чувство что у Хидетаки просто напросто закончилась фантазия, многие боссы повторяются, дизайн локации не очень, хотя парочку лакации мне очень понравились, саундтрек Я даже как то и вслушался, настолько он скучный, сюжет, а какой сюжет? Это же соулс лайк, хотите сюжет читайте описания любого предмета. Открытый мир этой игре вообще не нужен, если бы его не было то как по мне была бы в разы лучше


Открытый мир

Скучные боссы

Дизайн локаций






+very interesting

+visually beautiful and rumored to be playable

-not addictive

-don’t want to take

My opinion!

The window is open, not stuffy.

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+очень интересная

+визуально прекрасна и по слухам играбельна

-не затягивает

-не хочется брать

Мое мнение!

Окно открыто, не душно.

All reviews