An adventurous soulsborne action game set in a dark fantasy world by the creators of the Dark Souls series, featuring the author of "Game of... Read more
This mod simply removes all mods from the Elden Ring folder, making the installation clean. How to run: unpack to the game folder Steam/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/ELDEN RING/Game; run the bat file.
Functions: Importing characters from other saved files Changing the SteamID of saves from the PC version Editing player name Change of player gender Editing player characteristics Change in the number of souls Adding items, weapons, a ...
Mod Engine 2 for Elden Ring - Preview 3. Initial public release of Mod Engine 2, allowing loading of mods for Elden Ring. Please read the attached README.txt file. WARNING. This is a pre-release build and lacks functionality and may cause problems ...
Elden Mod Loader. Automatically loads mod DLLs when the game starts. How it works? This will load all dlls found in the mods folder. What dlls do depends on who created them. Anyone can make a mod using this. Disable anti-cheat: For the mod lo ...
ERSFM (Elden Ring Save Files Manager). A simple Windows Forms application to easily manage save files. Features: - Quick save - Manual saving - Load save - Delete save - Adding save files manually, it is located in the /save files folder