An adventurous soulsborne action game set in a dark fantasy world by the creators of the Dark Souls series, featuring the author of "Game of... Read more
Disables NPCs from reappearing after they die. Now, after death or teleportation, defeated enemies will never appear again. The author left all the animals, including the crabs, untouched - they will always be reborn in order to maintain the open wo ...
Replaces the gargoyle halberd, 2 versions: red hilt/black hilt, mesh/texture/normal map edited, 1K resolution. How to run: Install Mod Engine ; Move dcx files to GAME/mod/parts.
Seamless Co-op. Overhaul of the co-op mode. The mod allows you to play with friends throughout the game without any restrictions. At the same time, it is theoretically possible to completely complete the game from the tutorial to the final boss in o ...
As requested, the author has created another version of the mod that makes the game easier, but this time it affects all areas in the game, not just the dlc. Damage reduction for all enemies by -30%.
This mod does 3 things: makes the damage in the DLC the same as in the original game; makes the ghost assistant's damage the same as in the original; completely removes the scad wood fragments and replaces them with runic arcs. How to ru ...
Minor change that reduces the damage of all enemies in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC by 10%, 25% or 40%. How to run: unpack this path ME2/mod.