Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind is a continuation of the fantasy role-playing action game with a first-person view in the Elder Scrolls universe. The events of the game... Read more
Elven armor and weapons

Elven Armor and Weapons. This mod adds elven armor and weapons (and enchanted versions) to the game. Features: — full set of medium armor — shield — long sword — claymore — short sword - dagger — battle ax — mace — spear — staff - bow ...
Full gold armor

LeFemm Armor with complete Gold Armor. LeFemm armor, specifically designed for women, is sold at the Fighters Guild in Vivec, Sirollus Saccus in Ebonheart, the Redoran Vaults, and the Lady Blacksmiths in Ald Rhun, Sadrith Mora, and Ald Velothi.
Invisible shields

Raym's Invisible Shields. This is a very simple mod: it adds 4 invisible shields. These shields work exactly the same as regular ones, but the only difference is that they are not visible when equipped. You can enchant these shields, but you still wo ...