Fable (2004)
An action-adventure role-playing game where players create their own life story from childhood to death, from an inexperienced teenager to the most powerful warrior... Read more
An action-adventure role-playing game where players create their own life story from childhood to death, from an inexperienced teenager to the most powerful warrior in the world, choosing the path of righteousness or devoting their lives to evil. Every decision made will affect the appearance of the hero.
Reviews and ratings
The game of my childhood, I probably played it 7-8 times, in this game you can choose the side of evil and good, as well as several leveling classes (mage, warrior and assassin), which is quite common for games of those times, the plot is at a high level, and The enemies here are different (the same dudes who throw a magic bomb at you, or golems), and the bosses here are at a higher level!
Игра моего детсва , играл в нее наверно раз 7-8 , в этой игре ты можеш выбрать сторону зла и добра а также несколько классов прокачки (маг , воин и ассасин) что довольно обычно для игр тех времен , сюжет на вышом уровне , да и враги тут разные (теже чувачки что кидают в тебя магической бомбой , или големы) , а боссы тут вопще на вышем уровне!