Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition is a special edition of the role-playing game in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4. The game includes all the latest... Read more
Curie Improvement

Curie Replacer. This mod replaces the standard Curie companion with a new version with a younger, attractive face. Pairs perfectly with Curie's voice. For maximum similarity, use mods: - Compendium - Eyes of Beauty - Msic Hairs - Extended Sculpts
Ithaca Jones preset for the main character

Ithaca Jones Preset. This mod adds a new beautiful girl as a preset for the main character's face. Must be used with LooksMenu. For maximum similarity, use these mods: - Appealing Moles - deLuxe Makeup and the Lip liner mask also - Extended Facial ...
Improved Schenk

Nuka World - Shank Redesigned. This is a small mod that replaces Schenk's appearance and clothing with something better and more suitable for his character. Includes new clothes, haircut and beard for him.
People in Nuka World

Nuka World Open Season Extend. This mod adds numerous traders, settlers, and travelers to the parks after the open season ends. You can hire settlers. They will just wander around the parks. You can also trade with them. ...
Simple hairstyle with ponytail

Forever Young - Simple Ponytail Hairstyle. This mod corrects the standard ponytail hairstyle. The author added more volume, slightly changed the position and attached a bright elastic band. The ponytail is also seen with some headgear such as caps.
Snora - preset for the main character

SNora. This mod adds a preset for a female protagonist. For maximum similarity, the following mods are recommended: - LOOKSMENU - EYES OF BEAUTY - CUSTOMIZATION COMPENDIUM - BODY TATOO - COMMONWEALTH CUTS - HIPOLY FACES - FSM BODY TEXTURES ...
Eloy preset

Aloy Preset. Character preset based on Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn. How to use: In game, open console > type: slm 14 > press (R) to select presets > select N5465. Aloy. To work you will need: -Looksmenu -Commonwealth Cuts
Lisa - preset for the main character

Lisa Preset. This mod adds a beautiful preset for the female protagonist. For the mod to work, you will need Looksmenu and KS Hairdo's Short Medium (for hair). How to use: In game, open console > Type: SLM 14 > press (R) for presets > select N5465 L ...
Reset Belfast

Belfast from Azur Lane - LooksMenu preset. This mod adds a new preset for the main character's face, which is based on a character named Belfast from the anime Cote d'Azur. The face is made of excellent quality and has maximum similarity to the proto ...
Mrs. Curie Preset

Mrs curie - A LooksMenu preset. This mod adds a new face for the female protagonist. To use you will need a LooksMenu modification. The author tried very hard and made this face beautiful and unique.
Naomi Green

Naomi Green. This is a BodySlide and Looksmenu preset for creating a new beautiful female character for the main character. For maximum similarity use: 1. BodySlide & Outfit Studio (body) 2. LooksMenu (face) 3. LooksMenu Compendium (hair color) ...
Elf preset

Dalish Elf - LooksMenu Preset. This mod is a female elf preset for LooksMenu. This mod is inspired by the elves from the game Dragon Age. Installation in this path F4SE/Plugins/F4EE/Presets.
Preset Danaila

DANAYLA - LooksMenu Character Preset. This mod adds a preset for a female protagonist for use with LooksMenu. For complete similarity, the following mods are recommended: - LooksMenu - LooksMenu cuztomization compendium - Ponytail Hairstyles By Az ...
Improved character presets

Default but better. This mod significantly improves the standard presets for faces numbered 04 and 07. Appearance may vary depending on the ENB and enhancement mods used.
Abby from the game “The Last Of Us Part 2”

The Last Of Us Part 2 - Abby Preset (Looksmenu). This mod adds a preset for LooksMenu, based on Abby from the game The Last of Us Part 2.