Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition is a special edition of the role-playing game in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4. The game includes all the latest... Read more
AWKCR - armor editor

Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR). This mod adds 3 workbenches to the game that modders can add items to for players to craft. This resource does the following things: 1 Creates a standardized framework for modders to prevent ar ...
TERA police uniform

TERA Police Uniform - Fusion Girl - CBBE. Adds police uniform from TERA online. Several colors to choose from. High Heels and Fusion Girl and CBBE versions. Only for women. Requirements: - Fusion Girl or CBBE: You need one of the two (and all the ...
Translation of the “Nurse Uniform” mod

TERA Nurse Uniform (CBBE - CBBE Physics - BodySlide) (RU). This mod completely translates into Russian the modification - Nurse's uniform .
Nurse uniform

TERA Nurse Uniform (CBBE - CBBE Physics - BodySlide). Another “candy” from TERA Online with custom color replacement. We have a sexy nurse uniform with syringes... but unused needles. Yes... this is another nurse's outfit. Yes... it's also from TERA ...
Black mechanic's overalls

Mechanic Jumpsuit Black Standalone. A separate version of the mechanic's overalls replacement from Ryu and Marjin, which can be crafted in the chemistry laboratory. The item of clothing in this mod is based on the Red Rocket jumpsuit with a few minor ...
Classic pulse grenades and mines

Classic Pulse Grenades and Mines. This mod adds Fallout 3 style pulse grenades and mines to Fallout 4. Available as replacements or as standalone weapons. There are 2 file options: Option 1 - Replacement: Replaces all Fallout 4 pulse grenades and ...
Translation of the mod - “Sig P220 Pistol”

Sig Sauer P220 Russian localization. This mod completely translates into Russian the modification - Pistol Sig P220 .
Pistol Sig P220

M3D - Sig Sauer P220. Professional quality Sig P220 standalone pistol with in-game modifications, leveled lists and custom sounds. Comes with a unique variant placed in the game world. It can be found throughout the wasteland in random containers, ve ...
Submachine gun OTs-02 "Cypress"

M3D - OTs-02 Kiparis. Professional quality standalone submachine gun OTs-02 Cypress with in-game modifications, leveled lists and custom sounds. Comes with custom animations. As such, it can be found throughout the wasteland in random containers, ven ...
Legendary items in safes

Legendary Items in Safes. Adds a chance for a legendary item to appear in a successfully cracked safe. This chance is based on two things: the difficulty of the lock and therefore the level of your lockpicking perk. The higher these levels, the great ...
Bungalow on the edge of the (nuclear) world

The Bungalow at the End of the (Nuka-)World. In the ridge west of Nuka World sits a mid-century style bungalow. Hidden behind the modest windowless façade, you discover an expansive living space with large glass panels that connect the interior with ...
Translation of the “Advanced Settlements” mod

Homemaker - Expanded Settlements - Russian Localization. This mod completely translates into Russian the modification - “Extended Settlements” .
Expanded Settlements

Homemaker - Expanded Settlements. Adds over 1,000 new craftable objects, including craftable versions of objects from the base game. Also includes new building kits, working plant growing racks. For a more comfortable game, use the full translation ...
Settlement facilities expansion package

Settlement Objects Expansion Pack. This mod will give you a larger selection of settlement objects. Build your own settlement and stand out among others in the Wasteland. Will add over 1500/2000 (no DLC / all DLC) new objects to your workshop so you ...
Creating quick houses

Snappy HouseKit. Light, cozy, chic, fashionable houses! Bethesda building kits with mounting points. Bethesda's own construction kits come together with attachment points added for your comfort and that of your settlers. Includes many vanilla/custom ...