Fallout 76
Fallout 76 is a new game in the Fallout universe, serving as a prequel to all parts of the series without exception. The events begin in Vault 76, the first among... Read more
Hidden standard backpack

Hidden Standard Backpack. This mod is made to hide your standard backpack on your back, thus improving your appearance, and also eliminating the need to render this backpack, which will affect performance.
Improved water

Enhanced Water. This mod improves the water by replacing standard textures with high-resolution 4K textures. If you have a weak video card, then FPS drops are possible. Installation: 1 - Unpack the file in Fallout76 / Data 2 - Find Fallout76Custo ...
Correction of Russian localization

GudvinUstal's Russian Fallout 76. Update and correction of Russian localization for the game Fallout 76. Purpose of the mod 1. Compared to the official localization, the game is closer to the original source. In this translation you will not find ...
INI file editor

Fallout 76 Quick Configuration - INI-Editor. This tool allows you to quickly configure INI settings. Tired of searching the web for INI tweaks? This tool has an intuitive user interface that allows you to quickly set it up before you start playing ...
Fun explosions

John Cena Car Explosion. This mod replaces the sounds of explosions with the sound of the song to which John Cena enters the ring. This song has long become a meme.
Stripping mod

Copy the file. ba2 to the data folder in Fallout 76. Enter GrognakMod.ba2 it into your config file Fallout76.Ini in the sResourceArchive2List section at the end of the list. Play this game and enjoy.
Clean intact modern fireplace

Clean Undamaged Modern Fireplace. Modern clean fireplace with front grate intact. The set comes in three colors: red, black and grey. Installation 1. Select the most suitable color scheme and download the corresponding archive. 2. Extract the Mode ...
Bottle caps glow

With this mod, drink bottle caps will glow on the ground, making them easier to spot.
The retexture is white

The mod repaints the AK, adding white shades to the wood and adding rust to the metal.
Modern sight lines

The mod adds modern interfaces to optical sights.
White shirt instead of blue with trousers
Maud dyes a blue shirt with white trousers to the white color of the trousers.
Retexture of the shirt into a tropical one
Maude dyes a blue shirt and trousers into a tropical shirt.
Pre-war fire uniform instead of Rescuers
The mod replaces the Rescuers' uniform with a pre-war Fire Department uniform.
Pre-war fire uniform instead of Fire Breathers
The mod replaces the Fire Breathers' uniform with a pre-war Fire Department uniform.
Proto Vault Suit – retexture of Vault suits
With this mod, Vault costumes can be replaced with many other variations. Follow the link to find a complete list of available costumes that can be added to the game.