Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas is an adventure role-playing shooter with a first-person view in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. The events of the game will take you to... Read more
Save / SaveGame (Alternate game start in the Mojave center)

Background: After the successful exhumation, GG went to his camp to collect his thoughts. The game starts in the center of the Mojave, the GG is an experienced traveler (but do not forget to be careful), there is a lot of equipment in the camp, whic ...
Save / SaveGame (Before choosing / LVL 30 / Ultimate Edition)

save save many different guns in the house in Novak + many caps two saves, the first one can choose the faction you will go for the second before the battle for the dam partners Veronica + ED-E you can complete add-ons I completed two, two left ...