Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas is an adventure role-playing shooter with a first-person view in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. The events of the game will take you to... Read more
Clothes of naked prostitutes

Nuder Prostitute Outfits Type 3. This mod adds 3 new prostitute costumes for a third body type. Improved clothing mesh to ensure it fits properly on the body. For your convenience, the kit includes two versions: - Replacer (replaces all items of c ...
Stripping ray

Nude Ray 5000. This mod adds a small pistol that when fired, NPCs lose their clothes! Features: - Temporarily removes all clothes from NPCs. - Nobody considers this an attack, you can have fun. - If used on enemies, they will be temporarily disor ...
Raider Assault Rifle

Raider Assault Rifle. This mod adds a new rifle to the game. It is made on the basis of a standard raider rifle. You can find it during the game by killing raiders.
Military baseball caps

Military Baseball Caps. This is a small mod that adds 6 new military themed caps. Baseball caps are integrated into the game and you can find them in the game world. Compatible with male and female characters.
Post-apocalyptic machete

Post-apocalyptic machete (Book of Eli). This mod adds a highly detailed machete from the movie The Book of Eli to the game. You can find him in front of an abandoned hut.
General purpose machine gun

.308 General Purpose Machine Gun. The new machine gun is intended as an alternative to the light machine gun, with a lower rate of fire, higher damage and a much smaller magazine. It has a heavy barrel, suppressor, and extended magazine modifications ...
Raider armor, pistol and bat

Return of The .32 Pistol And Other Goods. This mod will add a .32 caliber revolver, as well as a set of armor from Fallout 3 and a new helmet. Well, and of course, a deadly baseball bat. You can find all these things at the Goodsprings salon!
Sword "Dragon Slayer"

Dragon Slayer Sword. This mod adds a huge anime sword "Dragon Slayer". You can find this sword in the area of the Deathclaws cape, it can be seen on the top of the hill, next to two corpses.
Paintball gun

Paintball Gun. This mod adds a less lethal air-powered paintball gun to the game. These weapons can be purchased from weapons dealers and other vendors in the wasteland, and can also be found in random places. For the weapon to work you will need th ...
Police armor

SLCPD Police Armor. This mod adds 2 sets of Salt Lake City police clothing for men and women, they can be found in the North Passage, in the bag. Installation using Nexus Mod Manager.
New crafting system from Fallout 4

One Man's Trash - Fallout 4 Style Crafting - 0.90 Beta Release. This is a mod that adds the creation of weapons and armor like in the game Fallout 4. Three new workbenches will appear in the game: - Weapon, which allows you to create mods for we ...
Heavy assault rifle Mk. 2

Heavy Assault Machine Rifle Mk. II. This mod adds a fully automatic heavy machine gun to the game. You can find and buy these weapons from sellers.
Western clothing

Cowboy and Western Outfit pack. Adds a variety of Western-themed clothing for men. You can find these clothes at the Wolfhorn Ranch, in the safe.
Plasma gun

The Bears Wrath a unique NCR themed Plasma Caster. This mod adds a new plasma gun that you can find in the Bloody Cave. Features: - Improved damage - Less spread - Improved durability
Reinforced Shelter Armor 21

Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit Replacer. This mod replaces the Vault 21 armored jumpsuit with a more protective look, and also restores the armor itself.