Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas is an adventure role-playing shooter with a first-person view in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. The events of the game will take you to... Read more
Banana Bourbon

Chugger's Finest Banana Bourbon. Adds the delicious Chugger's Finest Banana Bourbon to the game of Survival 65. It is an alcoholic drink that increases Luck, not Strength, up to 3 at 100 Survival. You also need a hammer to crush the fruit. This chemi ...
Removing the most annoying pile of garbage

Freeside - Removing The Most Annoying Rubble Pile In The Game. This mod removes the nasty pile of rubble above the train tracks near Freeside's north gate that is blocking access to the water pump (a vital hardcore mode objective). This changes the l ...
Presets for HUD

Crygreg's HUD Presets. This mod allows you to choose between four different HUD presets. Features: 1. Vanilla HUD Plus: edited the proportions and arranged them, they should be a little less centered. 2. Smaller Vanilla HUD Plus: Same as 1, only w ...
Camouflage from the game Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Black Ops II - Panama US Infantry. Adds a semi-modular outfit from Call of Duty Black Ops 2 to the game with integration into the game world. Includes 1 costume, 1 mask bag, 1 hat, 2 helmets and 5 chest pieces. Only for men.
Costume party

Costume Party. This mod adds a costume shop with an everlasting costume party. Makes minor changes to Freeside and adds a shop around the corner from King's School, down the lane. The entrepreneur took the name Freddy Fear to get free advertising for ...
Pipboy Remover

YAPR - Yet Another Pipboy Remover. Another mod that removes your Pip-Boy while you're not using it. Simple, lightweight, compatible with all wrist-mounted pipboys (there is a mode for portable pipboys, but at the moment there are scripts for portable ...
Real skyscrapers

TTW - Taller DC - True Skyscrapers. This mod greatly increases the height of background buildings to enhance the urban feel of Downtown DC. My goal with this mod is to make the player truly feel trapped in an apocalypse city; a twisting concrete maze ...
Army green armor

Sierra Madre Armor Army Green Retexture. A simple retexture of the Sierra Madre armor from the Dead Money DLC for male and female models to make it look more like military armor. I did this for a separate set of Sierra Madre armor called Security Arm ...
Gun Runners Kiosk Glass Fix

Gun Runners Kiosk Glass Fix. A small mod to fix the glass texture in the Gun Runners kiosk. There is a texture anomaly on the glass of the kiosk that worries me. There seem to be areas where the texture is broken and doesn't reflect light and really ...
Cambi Blackjack Club and Goodsprings Estate

The Cambie Blackjack Club and Goodsprings Homestead. Lucky Leroy has everything you need. Whiskey, smoke, gambling and one beautiful mannequin. Features: - Goodsprings Manor with the Brahmin Ranch behind. Includes a cow that can be milked. Feel fr ...
Improved battle music

Enhanced Combat Music. This mod changes and improves several aspects of the battle music. This also fixes an issue where the player will no longer hear battle music if they lose a fight. The cooldown and transition timer are slightly lower for smooth ...
Crossroads sign

Crossroads Sign. This mod adds a sign to the game indicating populated areas. Ideal if you are new to the game and prefer not to use a map.
happy place

The Happy Place - New Vegas Horror. A legend pervades the Mojave of an unseen force that attracts children to itself, causing a rapid rate of disappearances even before the outbreak of the Great War. Every year, every October, 15 children for some un ...
Joshua Graham's Revenge

Joshua Graham's Revenge. Upon completion of Chaos in Zion, Joshua Graham will hunt down the player as promised, regardless of whether you thought you killed him or not. A few days after returning to the Mojave, Joshua Graham and two warriors on dead ...
HD textures for lime quarry

Limestone Quarry Rock Redux 2k. Lime quarry retexture in stunning 2k resolution with an emphasis on realism and better blending with the environment. Also with the correct LOD size. Installation instructions: -Install as usual, load after other te ...