Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas is an adventure role-playing shooter with a first-person view in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. The events of the game will take you to... Read more
Restoring limbs and health

OneBody - Limb and Health synergy. This mod causes damaged limbs to heal over time depending on your overall health, and also reduces your hit points if damaged limbs are left untreated. Damage to health: - Base damage increases from 12 to 120 pe ...
Stray cats in the wasteland

Mojave Straycats. This mod adds stray cats throughout the wasteland. They appear in most settlements. They are simply for decoration, meaning they don't do much other than walk around and meow like any cat would do. Cats are friendly and should not b ...
Wanderer Shi's Clothes

The Shi Wanderer — an armorbash. This mod adds a new set of clothes to the game, in which you can play the role of a merchant or a member of the Shi gang. The armor and hat are found inside a bag near Dr. Mitchell's house in Goodsprings. To install, ...
Patrol Rangers in cowboy hats

Patrol Rangers with Cowboy Hats. This mod makes it so that NCR Patrol Rangers will be pulled from the leveled list of Civilian Rangers rather than appearing with their standard Patroller hat. Ranger Andy will still wear the Patrol Ranger hat as I thi ...
MP 40 submachine gun

Vance's 9mm SMG MP 40 Replacer. This mod replaces Vance's 9mm submachine gun with an MP 40/MP 41 submachine gun. Also adds weapon modifications. Modifications: - 9mm SMG drums: doubles magazine capacity and adds a second magazine. - Light barrel: ...
Rendering with Vulkan

A new mod for Fallout: New Vegas changes the standard rendering engine to Vulkan, through the use of a wrapper. The mod first of all significantly improves optimization in the game and improves performance on Nvidia and AMD video cards. Installation ...
Retexture of sandstone rocks

Zion Sandstone Redux - Honest Hearts Cliffs and Rock Retexture 4k. This is a small mod that improves the textures of all sandstone rocks to 1K format. An improved display in the distance has also been configured.
Falling boulders without radial blur

Falling Boulders No Radial Blur. This is a very simple modification that removes radial blur when boulders fall. Now it will be a little more convenient to play.
Return to Sierra Madre

Sierra Madre Return. This mod allows the player to return to Sierra Madre after completing the storyline by adding a door near the exit from Sierra Madre and behind the radio in the bunker. They will both be locked, but will unlock when the player en ...
Lucky .357 Lethal Revolver

Lucky Buff - crit on every hit. The author has changed some numbers - now it deals less damage (25 instead of 30). Has a high critical damage multiplier of 5, meaning that with the right setup you'll be hitting with critical shots all the time.
Translucent glass buildings

Translucent Glass Buildings (TTW). Thanks to this mod, some of the glass in city buildings becomes translucent. Not every building in the game has an interior. It won't look good if you walk your character right through the windows and look straight ...
Translucent subway canopies

Translucent Metro Awnings (TTW). This mod makes the glass of the canopies at each metro entrance transparent. This is a mesh to replace the glass canopies that cover the metro entrances. Six meshes have been changed.
Pump-action shotgun

Pump Action Stubby Shotgun. This mod adds a pump-action shotgun to the game. It can be found in some places and sold by several merchants. This weapon is sold by Vendortron, Cliff Briscoe, Mick and Ralph, Dale Barton and can be found in the Follower' ...
Winchester shotgun 1873

.357 Repeater. This mod adds a new weapon to the game - a Winchester 1873 style repeater. You can find it in Doc Mitchell's house. Modifications: - Increased accuracy. - Improved condition, engraved design.
German pistol P38 Walther

New Vegas German Pistol - P38 Walther. This mod adds the P38 Walther pistol to the Mojave Wasteland integrated into leveled lists. You can go to the general store in Nipton, where on the second floor you can find a box with a German pistol inside. It ...