Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas is an adventure role-playing shooter with a first-person view in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. The events of the game will take you to... Read more
Weapons store

Primer and Powder Gun Shop. This mod adds a small gun shop located in North Vegas where the player can sell weapons they want to get rid of, as well as pick up ammo. Features: - Arms dealer. - Bench for reloading. - Crafting table. - New building ...
Rifle "Honey Badger"

Ghosts Honey Badger. This mod adds the Honey Badger rifle from Call of Duty: Ghosts to the game with custom sounds, modifications, and roster integration. Includes 10 different options with five different optical sights. Modifications included: ACOG ...
Evil Raider Victoria

Evil Raider Victoria Companion. This mod adds a new companion named Victoria. It can be found at Goodsprings General Store. She has a unique weapon called the Skull Crusher and her own metal armor. These are simply more powerful versions of the origi ...
Old West Weapons Set

Old West Gun Pack. This mod adds about 20 vintage guns, not counting texture variations and modified weapons. Features: - All weapons, modifications and ammo are available from one container in Goodsprings Cemetery, requires 100 lockpick. - All ...
Moon head mask

Moon Man Head. This mod adds a mask in the form of a moon head with glasses, as well as gloves, to the game. You can find all this in the Goodsprings store on the 3rd shelf in the middle.
Ranger House

Ranger Station Home. This mod adds a humble abode near Jacobstown. Have you ever looked at the Zion Ranger Station and thought, "Hmm, I'd really like to live in one of those." Well, now you can. It's a really simple house: lots of drawers and chests ...
Nigel and his robot

Nigel And His Robot. Nigel is a very quirky desert dweller who lives his life in the Mojave. He has a humanoid robot companion that can become your companion if he dies. They can usually be found in Goodsprings on the weekends and in New Vegas during ...
Harmonica in HD

Harmonica HD. This small mod changes the standard harmonica textures to 1K HD format. This will make it more realistic and detailed.
Camouflage coloring for the mod “Project FN SCAR H Mk17”

SCARH RUtex Camo. This small mod replaces the standard paint scheme of the SCARH Mk17 rifle with a new camouflage paint scheme. Textures are made in HD quality.
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Ability to kill any NPC

TTW no essential npcs. This mod will allow you to kill anyone in the game. Therefore, characters who give out quests are no longer immortal. And yes, if you kill a story character, you will not be able to complete the main quest. Although, according ...
Improved Lily Bowen

Lily Bowen improved. This mod adds new characteristics for Lily Bowen. She may still be the weakest companion, but is now more useful in stealth-oriented games. Features: 1. Lily now has the silent running perk. 2. Lily can turn invisible. 3. Lil ...
Cheat gun

Cheating Pistol. This mod adds a pistol that can be used to shoot everything in the game, including the most powerful enemy, Legate Lanius. Can be found in the Goodsprings Geologist's Lounge along with a large amount of 10mm ammo, considered a steal, ...
Project FN SCAR Mk17

FN SCARH Mk17 Mk20 Project. This mod adds new weapons that are some of the most detailed in the game at the moment. The set includes 3 variants of the basic weapon: Mk17, Mk17 with an extended rail, Mk20. 17 sights, including optical ones. 2 mufflers ...
Improved Victor's Hut

Lime's Better Victor's Shack. Victor's Hut is the perfect first base for players who are simply looking for a friendly, atmospheric and simple hideout. I've always felt that some areas in the game were underrated and lacked unique content. Features ...
Super Mutant Mercenaries

Super Mutant Mercenaries. This mod adds new super mutants to various locations and faction bases that you can talk to or fight with. The new mutants include: NCR Super Mutant Mercenary - balanced melee and ranged options. Super Mutant Ranger is a ...