Save (Completed the storyline, all radio towers) [Pirate]

  • Far Cry 3 — Save (Completed the storyline, all radio towers) [Pirate]
Author: XyL1G44n
Size: 30.75 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: March 9, 2020, 03:17 PM
Downloads: 4651

Throw here: %ProgramData%\Orbit\46 or %ProgramData%\Orbit\0

The entire storyline has been completed, all radio towers have been captured, all outposts on the first island have been captured

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение (Пройдена сюжетка, все радиовышки) [Пиратка]

Кидать сюда: %ProgramData%\Orbit\46 или %ProgramData%\Orbit\0

Пройдена вся сюжетка, захвачены все радиовышки, захвачены все аванпосты на первом острове

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