Save (Completed the storyline, all radio towers) [Pirate]
Throw here: %ProgramData%\Orbit\46 or %ProgramData%\Orbit\0 The entire storyline has been completed, all radio towers have been captured, all outposts on the first island have been captured
Trainer (+26) [v.1.5 origin dx9-dx11] - Updated: 01/27/2020
Usage: First we launch the game, and in the main menu of the game (or in an already started one) we launch the trainer (.cpl) The function keys are paired. Hold down insert and press the desired key on the trainer panel. Hotkeys and trainer capabili ...
Trainer (+26) [v.1.5 origin dx9-dx11]
Usage: First we launch the game, and in the main menu of the game (or in an already started one) we launch the trainer (.cpl) The keys for the functions are paired. Hold down insert and press the desired key on the trainer panel. Hotkeys and trainer ...
Save (3 saves at different stages of the game)

In this save, or rather saves (there are 3 of them), there is: 1. Completed the game by 97%; 2. Mission with hemp (1999 rounds in the flamethrower); 3. The very first mission of the game. The archive indicates what to do and how to do it.
Saving without story missions
There are no story missions in the save - the player can explore whatever he wants.
Saving (beginning of the story with resources)
Perfect for those who want to replay the story, but don’t want to grind. Basics: - Radio tower: 11 out of 11 - Outpost: 20 out of 20 - Side quests: 9 out of 9 - Headhunt: 16 out of 16 - Path of the Hunter: 14 out of 14 - Supply drop: 12 ...
Saving / SaveGame (Step-by-step passage)
Transfer all files from the Orbit\46 folder to C:\ProgramData\Orbit\46 Powered by repack from R.G. Mechanics.
Saving Far Cry 3 at 58%

In this save, the game is completed at 58%. Storyline 100%.
Save / SaveGame (Completed the prologue, all towers are open, all outposts on the first island are captured)
The prologue has been completed, all towers have been opened, all outposts on the first island have been captured.
Трейнер / Trainer (+18) [1.06: DX11] [iNvIcTUs OrCuS / HoG]
Trainer functions : NUMPAD0 - Immortality; NUMPAD1 - Infinite armor; NUMPAD2 - Infinite stamina; NUMPAD3 - Infinite swimming underwater; NUMPAD4 - Infinite ammo; NUMPAD5 – No cooldown; NUMPAD6 – Infinite grenades, explosives; NUMPAD7 - 8 more expe ...
Save / SaveGame (New game with all the collected junk)
Everything is open for "clean" areas: 1. Outposts (21 out of 21) (the game does not count “Amanaki Outpost”) 2. Radio towers (11 out of 11) Passed all extras. missions on this island, which include: 1. Story task (9 out of 9) 2. The Hunter's Path ...
Saving / SaveGame (Before choosing an ending)
Win+R write C:\ProgramData\Orbit\46 and transfer the contents of folder 46 with replacement. Let's launch the game and enjoy)
Save / SaveGame (3 saves at different stages of the game)
In this save, or rather SAVES (there are 3 of them) there is: Completed game 97% Mission with hemp (flamethrower contains 1999 rounds) The very first mission of the game The archive indicates what to do and how to do it. HAVE FUN!!!
Trainer (+24) [DX9 DX11] [1.05] [Update 02/03/2018] [32 64 Bit] [Baracuda]
Launch [Trainer] as (Administrator). For [Trainer] to work correctly, the game version must match the [Trainer] version, or vice versa, this is important. Start the game from the beginning, then [Trainer] or vice versa during the game, press the ke ...