Save (Game completed 100%)

This save will include the following: Completed all story and side missions. All collectibles have been collected. All weapons received. All skills acquired. All tests passed with gold. The maximum karma level has been reached. Th ...
Save - Main game 100%, DLC 100%
Main game Quests and plot: Campaign: 32/32 "Shangri-la": 4/4 Tasks from Login: 4/4 Tasks from Yogi and Reggie: 4/4 "An Eye for an Eye": 8/8 "Murder": 7/7 All hunting missions: 14/14 "Kyrat Fashion Week": 9/9 Deliveries: 8/8 Propaganda Center: 4/4 ...
Saving [Uplay License]
Saving 100 percent Failed to pass tests in the Arena Initially, the save was only completed, only the plot, well, I don’t remember who the author is, well, I added this save
Save (prologue completed, everything pumped up)
The save was made after the prologue, it already contains all the upgraded skills (even those that look like they are closed - they are already turned on and working), all the upgraded equipment and 5 million rupees. Karma – maximum value (8).
Save / SaveGame (New game with all the collected junk, V3)
Saving almost from the beginning of the game with all the collected junk. I had to do 8 missions for the “free mode” to open, otherwise it would be impossible to leave the Banapur area. Everything is open for "clean" areas: 1. Outposts (The first o ...
Saving / SaveGame (53 step-by-step saves from 0% to 99.93%) [3DM]
53 saves for 3dm. Plus the passage of "Pogeg from Durgesh" is developed.
Save / SaveGame (Absolute completion of the game at 100%) [ALI & RLD]
There are 2 saves in the archive - Ali and reload, absolute completion of 100% of the game. save path: ali- profile folder in the game reload- C:\ProgramData\Steam\RLD! or C:\ProgramData\Orbit
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%) [RLD!]
The entire campaign has been completed and all places, outposts, etc. have been opened Purchased all weapons except items and weapons from Uplay. The installation is described in the README file. Have a good game!
Save / SaveGame ("Ball Saw" at the beginning of the Yeti Valley DLC)
The save was made on Windows 8.1 x64, Far Cry 4 (v.1.9.0 ALI213, Yeti Valley DLC) Copy the file ALI213_1.sav to the location where the game was installed (Far Cry 4>bin>Profile), agree to the replacement. Before copying and replacing, you MUST make a ...
Save / SaveGame (Completed 26 campaign missions) [RLD]
Saving the game Far Cry 4 v.1.10.0 (by xatab 15.6 GB.RLD). The campaign is completed immediately after the battle with Yuma. Secondary tasks are not completed. All information is in the screenshots. Installation: place the unzipped ProgramData folder ...
Save / SaveGame (Completed only the story, progress 10% - 17%)
All bell towers have been captured (and all the chests in them have been opened and posters have been put away so that you never climb there again), outposts have not been captured, quests have not been completed, chests have not been opened, posters ...
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 32% - 64.04% - 71.27% - 77.50% - 89.78% - 92% - 99.93%)
Drop the Orbit folder into Program Data Saves made by: aivar242
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%)
-All posters have been torn down -All caches are open -All the Yalung masks have been torn off -All weapons are open and purchased except (Uplay) -Shangri-la is completely completed -There are 104ml. -All fortresses and outposts have been captured -I ...
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 29.21%)
Save for the game Far Cry 4 - The game is completed by 29.21% - Level 12 character - The entire game world is open - Campaign missions 32 of 32 - Karma 3 out of 8 - Outpost 10 out of 24 - Weapon 35 out of 64 - Transport 13 of 18 - Skills 34 out of 48 ...
Save / SaveGame (The game and all DLCs are 100% completed. Everything has been studied, unlocked and collected)
I present to your attention the save of the game "Far Cry 4". Details: Single player campaign completed 100%. DLC "Valley of the Yeti" completed 100%. DLC "Escape from Durgesh" completed 100%. The entire map is open and explored 100%. All additio ...