Farming Simulator 22
Farming Simulator 22 is a continuation of the Farming Simulator line of annual farmer simulators. The new part has taken a big step forward: new crops and machines... Read more
Hardcore mode

This map will test your survival skills, because here you only have the essentials, and in hard mode you start with no property, no transport, just clothes and a few bucks in the bank. If you want to do normal farming, the northern part of the map ...
Blank flat start card

Huge 16X map, with 1 sales point, bale sales point, animal dealer, shop, garage, sawmill and 9 fields, fully working playable flat map. Field contracts also work.
T908 Kenworth

T908 Kenworths. T908 Kenworth AUSTRALIAN trucks with bogie and 3-wheel drive bogie. Each has multiple appearance configurations. Torque ranges are mostly true to real life, although some changes to the gear ratio were required to achieve the desired ...
Auto cleaning for horses

Auto Brush Horses. Every hour this mod will clean all your dirty horses once (cleanliness +20%). With this mod, a very dirty horse may take a while to clean itself, so if you are taking your horse on a long walk, you can still clean it by hand.
Improved reshade

OG3 RESHADE. This mod improves the graphics of Farming Simulator 22 using reshade technology. Installation: 1) Download and install version (4.9.1) of Reshade with ALL PACKAGES on to the game folder in Directx10/11/12 2) Down ...
Dodge Charger 1969

The General Lee V1.0. 1969 Dodge Charger painted in the style of the iconic General Lee. The General Lee is the 1969 Dodge Charger driven by Beau and Luke Duke in The Dukes of Hazzard. Features: - 426 Hemi with 431 hp combined with a four-speed ge ...
Scandinavian weather

Scandinavian weather. The author edited the environment.xml file to simulate the weather in Finland (or Scandinavia). Can you survive the dark and cold winter? In version 1.6 the following has been done: - realistic daytime - the temperature has c ...
Increasing pallets and adjusting production

FS22 Tailor Shop XL Storage. This mod increases the number of pallets and filling volumes, and also adjusts the production speed. This mod is designed to work well with the FS22 Spinnery XL Storage. This mod makes the following changes to the ateli ...
New currencies

Additional Currencies Edit v1.0 FS22. A small modification that adds a large number of other currencies to the game: Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia, Brazilian real and many others. The improvement does not affect gameplay in any way.
Increased yield

Double yield V1.0 FS22. Doubles the yield of all crops by half.
New radio stations

Russian-language radio - new radio stations Adds Russian-language radio stations to the game. The game will feature 15 audio streams, including Europe Plus, Radio 7, Radio Dacha and many others.
Resetting contracts

Refresh Contracts v1.0 FS22. A reworked modification from Farming Simulator 2019, which allows you to update the list of available contracts at any time. Now you don't have to wait for the timer to expire to receive new tasks on the farm.
More information about the state of technology

Enhanced Vehicle. The mod displays more useful information about the vehicle and adds a directional mode, differential locks, all-wheel drive and updated hydraulic control to the car. Now the HUD displays damage values, the level of any type of fuel, ...
Improved hay chopper

Anderson ProChop 150. Adds a hay chopper to the game, which helps you easily fill the barn with automatic feed supply. Accepts and loads bales of any type.
Enlarged silo

Farma 10M Store everything. The modification allows you to install a Farma 400 silo with an increased capacity of up to 10,000,000. Almost any item can be placed in it: wheat, barley, oats, rapeseed, sunflower, soybeans, corn, grapes and other crops. ...