Final Fantasy VII Remake is a reimagining of the Japanese role-playing game Final Fantasy VII from 1997. Fans of the cult JRPG and newcomers... Read more
Abzu Boss Fight Music Replacement.
A music mod that replaces the background music of the Abzu boss battle (Chapter 10). This is a special battle theme arrangement featuring orchestral and choral samples from Final Fantasy VII: REMAKE, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, and the Distant Worlds Orchestra.
To create this remix I used the following samples:
- FF7R — Let the Battles Begin — pre-release bgm used on 7R social media promos
- FF7R - Let the Battles Begin - Ex-SOLDIER
- FF7R - Let the Battles Begin - Break Through - Section 1
- FF7R - Let the Battles Begin - Break Through - Section 2
- FF7R - Let the Battles Begin - Break Through - Section 3
- FF7R - Let the Battles Begin - The Huntmans
- FF7R — Let the Battles Begin — A Merc's Job
- FF7R — Operation Save Aerith
- Crisis Core — Fulfilled Desire (Let the Battles Begin section)
- Symphonic Odysseys: A Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu - Let the Battles Begin!
Abzu Boss Fight Music Replacement.
Музыкальный мод, заменяющий фоновую музыку битвы с боссом Абзу (глава 10). Это специальная аранжировка на боевую тему, включающая оркестровые и хоровые сэмплы из Final Fantasy VII: REMAKE, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII и оркестра Distant Worlds.
Для создания этого ремикса я использовал следующие образцы:
- FF7R — Let the Battles Begin — pre-release bgm used on 7R social media promos
- FF7R — Let the Battles Begin — Ex-SOLDIER
- FF7R — Let the Battles Begin — Break Through — Section 1
- FF7R — Let the Battles Begin — Break Through — Section 2
- FF7R — Let the Battles Begin — Break Through — Section 3
- FF7R — Let the Battles Begin — The Huntmans
- FF7R — Let the Battles Begin — A Merc's Job
- FF7R — Operation Save Aerith
- Crisis Core — Fulfilled Desire (Let the Battles Begin section)
- Symphonic Odysseys: A Tribute to Nobuo Uematsu — Let the Battles Begin!
Useful links: