Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake is a reimagining of the Japanese role-playing game Final Fantasy VII from 1997. Fans of the cult JRPG and newcomers unfamiliar with the... Read more
Lara Croft instead of Tifa
Lara Croft over Tifa. Replaces Tifa with Lara Croft from the game "Lara Croft: Temple of Osiris". Installation: Unzip the 7z archive and copy and paste the zLaraCroft-Tifa.pak file into FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods. If you don't hav ...
Claude's yellow hair
Cloud's Hair Yellowish. The mod is very simple, it's just a reskin of Claude's hair. This mod only contains files for changing hair color.
Heidegger dyes his hair
Heidegger hair recolors. A simple recoloring of Heidegger's hair. Unpack the file into the FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods folder. Colors: 1. Red 2. Red with black eyebrows 3. White 4. White with black eyebrows
Reno dyes his hair
Reno hair recolors. Simple hair coloring Reno. Unpack the file into the FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods folder. Colors: 1. Black 2. Blonde 3. Brunette 4. Light silver 5. Silver 6. Pink 7. Pink bubblegum
Pink Sephiroth
Pink Sephiroth. This is a small mod that will make Sephiroth's hair completely pink. To install, unpack the downloaded archive into the Mods folder.
Makeup for Claude
Cloud alt makeup for all dresses. Because he deserves to be beautiful. Alternative makeup for Claude, based on other characters in the game. The type of makeup is coded H for heavy and L for light. Extract the archive and place the pak files in the ...
Naked Jessie
Jessie Topless. Jessie is topless with no armor on her body. With the exception of her torso, her mesh remained unchanged. I used the Jenovation mod as a base for the torso and made a few additional adjustments. Jessie's skeleton does not include bre ...
Tifa's alternate makeup
Tifa alt makeup for Standard and Gloveless Outfit. An alternate makeup for Tifa, based on another character's makeup in the game. Files coded H for heavy makeup and L for light. Notes: - Should be compatible with any standard clothing recolor mods ...
Various repaints of Nanaki
Re-Color XIII. Various repaints of Red 13, also known as Nanaki. To install, unpack the downloaded archive into the mods folder.
Game for Typhus
Cloud to Tifa. A mod that replaces Claude with Tifa. There are some restrictions. - Not applicable to rollers. Tifa's facial expressions and limbs do not move during cutscenes - Some models will collapse - Doesn't go through the fence [How to use] ...
Semi-game Sephiroth
Semi-Playable Sephiroth Over Cloud. You can play like Sephiroth, just don't do anything too comprehensive. Sephiroth and his movements are overlaid on Cloud's standard costume, which allows you to walk and run around in different areas of the game as ...
Sephiroth (Diavolo)
Sephiroth(Diavolo). This mod changes Sephiroth's default colors to make him look like the character Diavolo from the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Sephiroth will become much brighter and more fun.
Semi-playable Jessie
Semi-Playable Jessie Over Cloud. You can play as Jesse, just don't do anything too inclusive. Jessie and her movements are overlaid on Claude's standard outfit, which allows you to walk and run in different areas of the game as Jessie. This mod is es ...
Naked Tifa in 4K
Tifa 4K Hi-Poly Nude Mod. With this mod you can completely undress Tifa Lockhart. High quality nude mesh replacement for Tifa with 4K materials. Includes Nude Mod as well as working files such as FBX and textures so you can modify it for body type va ...
Tifa (Lisa Lisa style)
Tifa(Lisa Lisa Style). Tifa, in her purple dress, is retextured to look similar to Lisa Lisa from the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Place the pak file in the ~mods folder inside the Paks folder.