Final Fantasy VII Remake is a reimagining of the Japanese role-playing game Final Fantasy VII from 1997. Fans of the cult JRPG and newcomers... Read more
Aerith Menu Nude. Replaces Iris's menu image with a nude version of her (still wearing the red jacket). To install: Place the downloaded files in ~/Final Fantasy VII - Remake Intergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods.
Tifa Menu Nude Mod. This mod replaces Tifa's images in the game menu with nude versions of her. To install: Place the downloaded files in ~/Final Fantasy VII - Remake Intergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods.
Cloud's White Shirt with his Wolf Sigil. This small mod adds a white shirt for Claude with his wolf mark to the game. Based on the Ultrapop T-shirt. The model is made in excellent quality and has high detail. First you need to install the base 3dmigo ...
Black Outfit for Aerith. Black jacket and white dress for Iris. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods, if you don't have a ~mods folder, create one in the Paks folder and place the files inside.
Black Tifa Outfit. Simple change. Shoes and jersey are now black. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks/~mods, if you don't have a ~mods folder, create one in the Paks folder and place the files inside or just drag ...
Avalanche Crew New Hair and Eye Colors. Hair color and eye replacement for this group of misfits. Barrett, Jesse, Biggs and Wedge. Jessie gets an extra hair color because the others didn't look the same. To install, place the pak file in FFVIIRemakeI ...
Dirty Avalanche. This mod replaces the default appearance of Biggs, Jessie and Wedge with a dirtier look. You can choose from two versions: the default eye version and the Jenova cell version. To install this mod: 1. Locate the game installation ...
Stun Baton Elite (Buster Sword Replacement). This mod replaces Claude's standard sword with a stun baton carried by elite special forces soldiers. To install this mod: 1. Locate the game installation folder. 2. Go to End/Content/Paks 3. Create ...
Fix Lag or freeze in CG Movies (English and Japanese language). Fix lag or freezes. The quality and resolution of CG Movies have not changed. Only the frame rate of the selected movies is 29.9 instead of 59.9, and the bitrate is proportional to the f ...
Always Moogle Suit Yuffie. This is a small mod that will make it so that Yuffie will always wear a Moogle costume. The costume model is taken from the original game, so it looks great and does not cause any bugs.
Ultrapop shirt. Adds the iconic Ultrapop T-shirt. First you need to install the base 3dmigoto mod. The model is made in excellent quality and has good detail.
White Lace Dress Tifa. Edited and recolored Tifa's purple dress with new lace details. You must wear "Tifa's Purple Dress" so that she always wears this dress. Instructions: 1. Create a folder in FFVIIRemakeIntergrade/End/Content/Paks and name ...
Ultima Reshade. Fake HDR reshade with color correction and various other improvements. Reshade, which greatly enhances the visual quality of the game, gives an HDR look through various adjustments such as color correction and contrast adjustment. I ...
Cloud Christmas Sweater. This little mod adds a stylish new Christmas sweater for Claude. The model is made in excellent quality and has good textures. First you need to install the base 3dmigoto mod.
Enemy Weapons over Aerith's Rods. This mod includes 24 sets that allow Iris to use Sephiroth's Masamune, Rosso's Dual Blade, Ramu's Staff, or Weiss's Gunblade in place of any of her wands!