Table for Cheat Engine [22.3.0]

  • Football Manager 2022 — Table for Cheat Engine [22.3.0]
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Edit Person (Player, Staff, Manager) attributes — Edit attributes of people (Player, Staff, Manager)

Edit Club attributes and related stadium and some finances - Edit Club attributes and related stadium and some finances

Edit National team attributes - Edit the attributes of the national team

Dynamic Lists for Clubs to show Teams and players/staff in the teams - Dynamic lists of clubs to display teams and players/staff in teams

Dynamic Lists for Bonus & Clauses in Contracts - Dynamic lists of bonuses and clauses in contracts

Dynamic Lists for Person Relationships - Dynamic lists for relationships with people

Freeze Player Attributes during the regular rebalancing updates (~monthly) - Freeze player attributes during regular rebalancing updates (~monthly)

Helper Scripts that either run immediately or periodically to — Helper scripts (happiness, physical condition, etc.)

Startup process:

1. Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table

2. "Select a process to open", select the desired process.

3. Select the desired option and check the box.

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Таблица для Cheat Engine [22.3.0]

Edit Person (Player, Staff, Manager) attributes — Редактировать атрибуты людей(Игрок, Персонал, Менеджер)

Edit Club attributes and related stadium and some finances — Редактировать атрибуты клуба и связанный с ними стадион и некоторые финансы

Edit National team attributes — Редактировать атрибуты национальной команды

Dynamic Lists for Clubs to show Teams and players/staff in the teams — Динамические списки клубов для отображения команд и игроков/персонала в командах

Dynamic Lists for Bonus & Clauses in Contracts — Динамические списки бонусов и положений в контрактах

Dynamic Lists for Person Relationships — Динамические списки для отношений с людьми

Freeze Player Attributes during the regular rebalancing updates (~monthly) — Замораживание атрибутов игрока во время регулярных обновлений балансировки (~ежемесячно)

Helper Scripts that either run immediately or periodically to — Вспомогательные сценарии (счастье, физическое состояние и др.)

Процесс запуска:

1. Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу

2. "Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.

3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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