881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins

  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • Forza Horizon 5 — 881 cars in the garage, 815 with custom skins
  • 881-mashina-v-garazhe-815-s_1728649008_38711.rar
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Date: October 11, 2024, 03:16 PM
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First of all, this save was made for those who like vinyls and those who play the offline version of the game, because... they don’t have the ability to add vinyls from other users, unless you draw them yourself, and this takes a lot of time and perseverance, so I add new skins to each save, now there are 815 of them.

To the existing ones, more cars with vinyls from online have been added games from other users, but they are closed for editing, 96 drawn by me can be changed in the editor (they are in favorites).

Not for online fix, not forlicense:

Save for pirated version of the game 1.619.349.0 - 663.817 [Steam-Rip] tablet (CODEX - RUNE ). Only 11 races have been completed in the game, there are 881 cars in the garage, 815 with individual skins, a lot of WheelSpins, fast movement. The save includes absolutely all cars today.

Installation instructions:

Copy folder 1551360 to this path: C:/Users/General/General Documents/Steam/CODEX/. It is in CODEX, and not in RUNE.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
881 машина в гараже, 815 с индивидуальными скинам

В первую очередь это сохранение делалось для тех кому нравятся винилы и тех кто играет в офлайн версию игры, т.к. у них нет возможности добавлять винилы от других пользователей, если только рисовать самому, а это требует много времени и усидчивости, поэтому я в каждое сохранение добавляю новые скины, теперь их 815.

К уже имеющимся, добавлены еще машины с винилами из онлайн игры от других пользователей, но они закрыты для редактирования, 96 нарисованных мной можно изменять в редакторе (они находятся в избранных).

Не для онлайн фикса, не для лицензии:

Сохранение для пиратской версии игры 1.619.349.0 — 663.817 [Steam-Rip] таблетка (CODEX — RUNE). В игре пройдено всего 11-ть гонок, в гараже 881 машина, 815 с индивидуальными скинами, очень много WheelSpin`ов, быстрое перемещение. В сохранение вошли абсолютно все машины на сегодняшний день.

Инструкция по установке:

Папку 1551360 скопировать по данному пути: C:/Users/Общие/Общие документы/Steam/CODEX/. Именно в CODEX, а не в RUNE.

Useful links:

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