Paranormal Society: Hidden Adventure is a shareware adventure puzzle game for mobile platforms. The game takes place in Victorian London. The streets...
Math | Riddles and Puzzles is a logical educational puzzle game. You will be able to raise your IQ level. You will be tested with different levels of...
The player solves riddles to catch scammers, identify troublemakers, and even help track down criminals. Usually you need to use the environment and...
Prison Run and Gun is an arcade pixel action platformer in which players have to escape from prison. A dynamic escape awaits you with the ability to...
Bobby Carrot is an adventure with puzzle elements from developers from the studio FDG Entertainment. The game is published by FDG Entertainment. The...
Mirrors of Albion is a Point and Click puzzle game with adventure elements from the Join Game studio. The game is published by Game Insight. Mirrors...