Crystal Key 2: The Far Realm is a first-person adventure with puzzle elements from the masters of Earthlight Productions Inc. and Kheops Studio. The...
Traitors Gate is a first-person adventure with a hint of puzzle from the masters at Daydream Software AB. The main publisher of the game is Blackstar...
Animal Agents is a third-person adventure with a hint of puzzle from the developers from the studio GmbH. The game's primary publisher...
Bratya Piloty. Po sledam polosatogo slona (Podarochnoe izdanie) is a third-person arcade game with adventure and puzzle elements from the developers...
Drawn: Dark Flight is a first-person adventure with puzzle and fantasy elements from Big Fish Games, Inc. The main publisher of the game is Big Fish...
Hidden Magic is a first-person adventure with a mixture of puzzle and fantasy game from developers from Dekovir Entertainment. The game is published...