Diceies is a top-down arcade game with action and puzzle elements from developers from the Apocalyptic Coders studio. The main publisher of the game...
Gaea Fallen is a third-person adventure with puzzle and fantasy elements from the developers of Amaranth Productions. The main publisher of the game...
Nacah is a first-person adventure with educational game and puzzle elements from the developers of Virtue Creations. The game is published by Virtue...
Oddworld Pack is an action game with platformer and puzzle elements from the masters from the studio Oddworld Inhabitants Inc.. The game is published...
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo is a first-person adventure with a hint of puzzle from Mzone Studio and SOLILAB. The game is published by...
Mourir en mer is a third-person adventure with puzzle elements from the developers of Digital Mind Studio. The main publisher of the game is Digital...
3D Code Cracker is a first-person arcade game with action and puzzle elements from the masters from the Sima System studio. The game is published by...