Genshin Impact
An adventure game that offers immersion in the exciting events of the fairy-tale world of Teyvat. Together with a group of brave companions, you will explore the... Read more
A2 from the game NieR Reincarnation

The mesh and textures from the original game were used, but the skin was changed. An animated face was used. Eyes repainted. How to run: move the extracted folder to the Mods folder; open the 3DMigoto Loader.exe file and then launch your game. ...
Yoimiya in a bunny costume

Yoimiya in a bunny costume. The set includes 2 options: regular and translucent.
Yoimiya with big booty

Adds new revealing clothing and an enlarged butt for Yoimiya. Switch options back and forth using "[" and "]".
Alternate Genie Costume

Jean Costume Alt (No cape, thigh highs). An alternative costume for Jean, without the cape and stockings. There are 2 versions available for download: one with the body mesh from the base game and one with a busty alternative.
Lisa's alternate costume

Lisa Costume Alt. An alternative custom for Lisa. There are 2 versions available: one with the body mesh from the base game, and the other with a busty alternative.
Shinyan Hikage's alternate costume

Xinyan Hikage Alternate Outfit. This mod goes well with Xinyang's rock and roll animation. Replaces the standard suit.
Alternative outfit of Keqing

Keqing Alt Outfit. There is a version with only a hat, a version with only a mask, a version with a mask and a hat, and also a version without both, you can switch between them using the P key!
Ari Fischl

How to run: move the extracted folder to the Mods folder; open the 3DMigoto Loader.exe file and then launch your game.
Harlequin in a business suit

To work you will need ORfix .
Harlequin in the costume of “Bitter Jealousy”

The equipment is taken from the game Dead Or Alive.
Harlequin in a maid costume

How to run: unpack the downloaded archive to this path GimiMods/Mods. to correct the skin contour, download the file ORFix.ini and drop it in GimiMods/Mods/BufferValues. Without the fix, the body will have a black outline and strange color re ...
Harlequin in a bunny costume

Bunny costume for Harlequin. Several options included.
Harlequin in blood moon costume

For the mod to work you will need the latest versions of TexFx and OrFix . To switch the cloak, you need to press ALT+H.
Harlequin in casual clothes

New casual suit for Harlequin.
Harlequin Succubus

Switch keys: 6 = horns; Y = wings on shoulders; H = butt wings; N = tail.