Save / SaveGame (Two chests with all items) [17]

  • Gothic 2 — Save / SaveGame (Two chests with all items) [17]
  • Gothic 2 — Save / SaveGame (Two chests with all items) [17]
  • Gothic 2 — Save / SaveGame (Two chests with all items) [17]
  • Gothic 2 — Save / SaveGame (Two chests with all items) [17]
Author: Liori
Size: 1.34 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: May 3, 2018, 07:23 AM
Downloads: 263

Save for the unofficial update Night of the Raven Script Patch by Dimus & D36 from 03/29/2018. Save at the beginning of the game after dialogue with Xardas. On the lower tier of the tower there are cheat chests with all the items.

Place the “savegame6” folder with its contents from the downloaded archive into the “saves_g2a_nr_scriptpatch” folder. A save named “save006” will appear in the boot menu, load it and have fun.

The archive also contains a list of ids of all items.


by Liori

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение / SaveGame (Два сундука со всеми предметами) [17]

Сохранение для неофициального обновления Night of the Raven Script Patch by Dimus & D36 от 29.03.2018. Сохранение в начале игры после диалога с Ксардасом. На нижнем ярусе башни стоят читерские сундуки со всеми предметами.

Закиньте папку “savegame6” с её содержимым из скачанного архива в папку “saves_g2a_nr_scriptpatch”. В меню загрузки появится сейв с названием “save006”, загружайте и балуйтесь.

В архиве также лежит список id всех предметов.


by Liori

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