Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a continuation of the popular series of games with endless possibilities of interaction in a large open world. Five years ago, Carl... Read more
Game completed 100% [Mobile]
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The game is completed 100%.
- Missions: completed all the missions that are in this game, from the very first one - Big Smoke, to the End of the Line mission.
- All additional missions have also been completed:
Business missions - all missions of the courier, the Zero store, the Wang Cars car dealership and the Caligula casino have been completed.
City service missions - completed the missions of a taxi driver, a policeman, a medic, a freight train driver, a parking attendant, a trucker mission, a pimp mission, a quarry mission, and a firefighter mission.
Hidden items :
- 100 graffiti found and painted over.
- 50 shells found and collected.
- 50 horseshoes found.
- 50 pictures found.
- Completed 4 races at stadiums in all cities.
- Completed all street races in all cities.
- Completed all air transport races.
- Completed all bicycle races.
- Completed all motorcycle races.
Real estate:
- All real estate (houses and businesses) in all cities has been purchased.
- Completed all schools, in all cities.
- Completed all levels in ammunition.
- All cars have been brought in for import-export.
- All fighting styles have been learned.
- 4 save files must be transferred to the path: Android\data\\fails.
The file name and description have been translated Show original
(RU)Show translation
Игра пройдена на 100% [Mobile]
Игра пройдена на 100%.
- Миссии: пройдены всё миссии которые есть в этой игре, от самой первой — Big Smoke, до миссии End of the Line.
- Также пройдены всё дополнительные миссии:
Миссии бизнесов — пройдены всё миссии курьера, магазина Zero, автосалона Wang Cars и казино Калигулы.
Миссии городских служб — пройдены миссии таксиста, полицейского, медика, водителя товарного поезда, парковщика, миссии дальнобойщика, сутенёра, в карьере и пожарного.
Спрятанные предметы:
- Найдено и закрашено 100 граффити.
- Найдено и собрано 50 ракушек.
- Найдено 50 подков.
- Найдено 50 снимков.
- Пройдено 4 гонки на стадионах во всех городах.
- Пройдено всё уличные гонки во всех городах.
- Пройдены всё гонки на воздушном транспорте.
- Пройдены всё гонки на вело транспорте.
- Пройдены всё гонки на мотоциклах.
- Скуплена вся недвижимость (дома и бизнесы) во всех городах.
- Пройдены всё школы, во всех городах.
- Пройдены всё уровни в амуниции.
- Пригнаны всё машины в импорт-экспорт.
- Выучены всё стили боя.
- 4 файла сохранения необходимо перекинуть по пути: Android\data\\fails.
Useful links: