GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition
GTA: The Trilogy — The Definitive Edition — a collection of remasters of the legendary GTA series, which includes enhanced versions of Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand... Read more
HD satellite map for Vice City

HD Satellite Map For ViceCity. This mod replaces the entire map with an HD satellite map. Installation: Copy ViceCityS satelliteMap.pak to your ~mods folder. GTA Vice City - Definitive Edition / Gameface / Content / paks / ~ mods.
HD card

HD MAP - GTA SA DE. This mod replaces the entire map with a new HD map. It adds street names, road signs and ocean names. It also changes the 3D GTA 5 style map to a classic 2D version.
Disabling white outlines

Aiming Outlines Remover. Remove annoying white outlines when hovering over NPCs. This mod works for GTA SA, GTA VC and GTA 3.
Classic map for GTA San Andreas

Classic Map Colors for GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition. The classic card colors change the dark and dull colors from the Definitive Edition to the original colorful ones.
Fixing weapon icons in Vice City

GTA VC TDE Weapon Icon Fix. The purpose of this mod is to replace the inaccurate vanilla weapon icon. Fixed unarmed (fist), pistol, sniper rifle, grenade, remote grenade. Fixed weapon icons for Mac-10 and Flamethrower. Original resources from Rocksta ...
Classic colored radio station icons for GTA 3

Classic Colored Radio Station Icons for GTA III Definitive Edition. Replaces boring white radios with classic color radios. Install in this path Gameface/Contents/Paks/~mods.
Classic colored radio station icons

Classic Colored Radio Station Icons for GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition. Replaces boring white radios with classic color radios. Installation: Move the PAK file to Gameface/Contents/Paks/~mods folder. If the folder does not exist, create it.
Original GTA SA loading screen

Original SA's Loading Screen. WIP - Replaces the loading screen with a high quality version, very similar to the 2004 version.
Simple sight in Vice City

Vice City Simple Reticle. Are you annoyed by how much space your old reticle takes up? Now it's just a point. Only the standard reticle for run-and-gun weapons such as pistols and Uzis is replaced.
Classic radar for GTA Vice City

Classic Radar Icons Remix for GTA Vice City Definitive Edition. This mod aims to restore the original appearance of the Vice City radar. This mod takes pre-existing icons from the Definitive Edition and transforms them to match the original vibe. The ...
Classic colored Vice City radio icons

Classic Colored Radio Station Icons for GTA Vice City Definitive Edition. Replaces boring white radios with classic color radios. Installation: Move the PAK file to Gameface/Contents/Paks/~mods folder. If the folder does not exist, create it.
Old GTA 3 map icons

GTA III Old Icons. This mod brings back the old icons from the classic GTA 3 game.
Classic map icons for GTA Vice City

GTA VC Old Icons. This mod brings back the old icons from the classic Vice City to the game.
All intros are in 4K 60 FPS

All Openings intros GTA Trilogy DE in 4K 60FPS. I didn't understand why the GTA Definitive Edition didn't have the intro videos in 4k 60FPS. So I wanted to fix this problem.
Disabling intro in GTA Vice City

No Intro for Grand Theft Auto Vice City Definitive Edition. Skip the intro to GTA Vice City Definitive Edition