Save / SaveGame (Step-by-step 96% completion without failures and repetitions of missions with unique vehicles) [PSP & Emul. for PC]

  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories — Save / SaveGame (Step-by-step 96% completion without failures and repetitions of missions with unique vehicles) [PSP & Emul. for PC]
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories — Save / SaveGame (Step-by-step 96% completion without failures and repetitions of missions with unique vehicles) [PSP & Emul. for PC]
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories — Save / SaveGame (Step-by-step 96% completion without failures and repetitions of missions with unique vehicles) [PSP & Emul. for PC]
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories — Save / SaveGame (Step-by-step 96% completion without failures and repetitions of missions with unique vehicles) [PSP & Emul. for PC]
  • 1523506597_idealnoe_poshagovoe_96_prohozhdenie.rar
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Date: April 12, 2018, 07:15 AM
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Professional collectible step-by-step 96% passage with unique vehicles (100% accuracy!).

Completion on PSP and emulator without failures, deaths, arrests and without unnecessary attempts or repetitions of missions.

Without using cheats or codes. With unique vehicles obtained without failures or cheats in story missions.

Unfortunately, due to a bug that seems to have arisen due to the early capture of the buildings of the criminal empire, the smuggling and robbery missions are not available and therefore it was not possible to complete 100%. If you want to get 100%, you need to start from the 38th save and not capture all the buildings of the criminal empire, or at least the buildings in the 2nd part of the city until this part of the city opens, and maybe until a later moment.

Garages during the game contain:

Garage 101 Bayshore Avenue:

from (16) — Streetfighter (UC) from missions "16 Unbecoming" (Sgt. Jerry Martinez)

with (17) - Walton (UC/FP/PP) from "17 Cleaning House" (Phil Cassidy)

from (19) - Perennial (FP/PP) to 26 from "19 Truck Stop" (Phil Cassidy)

from (25) - Stallion (UC - black) to 50 from "25 Marked Men" (Phil Cassidy)

from (26) - Quad bikes (UC - red chrome) to 50 from "26 When Funday Comes" (Louise Cassidy-Williams)

with (51) - Cuban Hermes (FP) from "46 Papi Don't Screech" (Umberto Robina)

Pony (FP) to Transplant Pot (PP) from "51 Money for Nothing" (Bryan Forbes)

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Сохранение / SaveGame (Пошаговое 96% прохождение без провалов и повторений миссий с уникальным транспортом) [PSP & Emul. for PC]

Профессионально-коллекционное пошаговое 96% прохождение с уникальным транспортом (100% меткость!).

Прохождение на ПСП и эмуляторе без провалов, смертей, арестов и без лишних попыток, повторений миссий.

Без использования читов, кодов. С уникальным транспортом добываемым без провалов и читов в сюжетных миссиях.

К сожалению из-за бага, который похоже возник из-за раннего захвата зданий криминальной империи, миссии контрабанды и грабежа не доступны и поэтому на 100% пройти не получилось. Если хотите пройти на 100% нужно начать с 38-го сохранения и не захватывать все здания криминальной империи или по крайней мере здания на 2-й части города до открытия этой части города, а может до более позднего момента.

Гаражи в процессе игры содержат:

Гараж 101 Bayshore Avenue:

с (16) — Streetfighter (UC) из миссий "16 Unbecoming" (Sgt. Jerry Martinez)

с (17) — Walton (UC/FP/PP) из "17 Cleaning House" (Phil Cassidy)

с (19) — Perennial (FP/PP) до 26 из "19 Truck Stop" (Phil Cassidy)

с (25) — Stallion (UC — чёрный) до 50 из "25 Marked Men" (Phil Cassidy)

с (26) — Quad bikes (UC - красный хром) до 50 из "26 When Funday Comes" (Louise Cassidy-Williams)

с (51) — Cuban Hermes (FP) из "46 Papi Don't Screech" (Umberto Robina)

с (51) — Pony (FP) до пересадки потом (PP) из "51 Money for Nothing" (Bryan Forbes)

Useful links:

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